Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the study: to establish the sanitary and parasitological condition of the water bodies of Astrakhan and the Astrakhan region. Materials and methods. 2252 samples of water taken from various water sources in Astrakhan and rural areas of the Astrakhan region were studied. The number of samples that do not meet sanitary and hygienic standards was 2,3 %. Research results. Water was taken from 2017 to 2021 both in urban and rural areas of the Astrakhan region from various water sources. Most of the studies were conducted in the city (72,6 %), 2,6 % of the samples did not meet the sanitary and parasitological standards. Eggs and larvae of helminths were found in these samples (larvae of strongylids - 20 samples, eggs of toxocars - 9 samples, ascarids and small tapeworms - 1 sample each), as well as cysts of pathogenic intestinal protozoa (dysentery amoeba - 7 samples and blastocysts - 4 samples). Conclusions. The sanitary and parasitological state of the water bodies of the Astrakhan region remains very tense, as evidenced by the above indicators. The parasitic contamination of water in the urban area is slightly higher than that in comparison with rural areas of the Astrakhan region. This indicates almost the same contamination of water bodies with the feces of invasive humans (eggs of ascaris, broad tapeworm, opisthorchis, cysts of dysentery amoeba, blastocysts) and animals (larvae of strongylids, eggs of toxocars), as well as possible flooding of water bodies due to accidents on the sewer network.

swimming pool water, wastewater, centralized water supply, water body, pathogens of helminth-protozoal invasions
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