Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Review of the current state of knowledge about the structure, properties of a group of secretory proteins synthesized in the reproductive organs of mammalian males and called spermadgesins. Questions of amino acid composition, carbohydrate components, their belonging to proteoglycans are considered. The features of spermadgesins of various animals - bull, boar and human boar are described. Generalized knowledge of the functional role of spermadgesins. It is shown that spermadgesin promotes the binding of spermatozoa to the oviductal epithelium. Spermadgesins regulate the process of capation. Spermadgesins interact with both oligomanic and galactose derivatives. With the oviductal epithelium, only spermatozoa covered with spermidinezin are optimally linked and this proteoglycan forms the "anchor" base of the sperm oviductal storage.

proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans, spermadgesins, fertilization, capacitation, interpolymer interaction
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