Purpose of the study: determination of the need to develop specialized software to create a unified information system for the tuberculosis service of the region in order to improve the effectiveness of diagnostic (fluorographic) examination. Materials and methods. Mortality and morbidity of tuberculosis were studied in the Astrakhan region and the Russian Federation from 2016-2020. The results of the fluorographic examination of residents of the Astrakhan region from 2016-2020 with the use of stationary and mobile (carbased) devices are analyzed in detail. Research results. During the analysis, it was found that during the study period there is an annual nonfulfillment of the survey plan, and the number of those not examined in the city is lower than in rural areas, which is due to the availability of this type of assistance, including due to the geographical features of the region, as well as the lack of a unified system and database of the surveyed contingent. Conclusion. The authors proposed to emphasize the work of mobile digital fluorographs, taking into account their performance, in rural areas. At the same time, it is proposed to develop software and a database for the organization of police records of the population subject to the survey and its past, during the calendar year, in order to plan and carry out preventive measures. At the same time, it is proposed to link this software with a geoinformation system to determine the geographical location of foci of tuberculosis infection in order to determine the priority groups to be examined.
tuberculosis, mortality, morbidity, fluorography, software
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