Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The topic is due to the undoubted modernization of modern society, innovative improvement of processes in the healthcare system and medical science. The actualization is aimed at monitoring the demand for innovations, improving products, technologies, services, areas, related areas that ensure work taking into account the requirements of the volatility of the market situation. Speaking about issues related to the formation of an innovative society, the need to generate and promote ideas - university science is a resource area that multiplies the principles of intellectual and human capital, taking into account leading trends and the latest educational technologies. This analysis makes it possible to identify the principles of sustainable development by supporting units that perform the role of innovation management and technology transfer at all stages of the project life cycle, through continuous communication between science and practice, to increase the level of competitiveness and profitability of domestic developments, inventions and the development of an innovative healthcare system as a whole. Progressive tracks, targets and strategic processes describe the opportunities to stimulate intellectual capital, apply key competencies and acquired skills, the potential for a performance-oriented implementation process, for continuous improvement in the areas of practical healthcare and population policy in accordance with the National Goals.

innovative model of society development, innovations in medicine, success criteria, university science, new scientific knowledge, sources of innovations, global changes, progressive tracks, integration of scientific and technological achievements, innovative activity of an educational organization, educational technologies, building up innovative potential, transfer of advanced technologies, success criteria, innovative development in the field of practical healthcare
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