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Abstract (English):
Nowadays the state of Russian medicine is characterized by many problems that have accumulated over the past decades. These include insufficient funding, a low level of material and technical base, unsatisfactory quality of medical care, poor performance of the program of state guarantees of medical care, the lack of modern equipment and information technologies in hospitals, and the lack of qualified managers ______________________________ © Гусева К.А., Косинова Н.Н., 2021 in medical institutions. Each of these problems can pose a serious threat, both to the individual and to the national security of our country. Health management is focused on finding additional sources of funding. However, as practice shows, such sources of financing as social insurance, state support for vulnerable segments of the population and attracting funds from consumers of medical services do not have a significant impact on the efficiency of the industry. The solution to the accumulated problems in the field of medicine can be considered the introduction of the national project «Creating a unified digital circuit in healthcare based on a unified state information system in the field of healthcare» and at the same time the strategy for the development of healthcare in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. The article examines digitalization in the healthcare sector as a comprehensive study of positive and negative factors that can affect the modernization of the healthcare sector and the efficiency of economic development.

health, healthcare, medical assistance, healthy lifestyle, innovations
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