Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This research is devoted to the retrospective analysis of the case histories of 536 patients with acute abdominal pathology which caused peritonitis, the patients had undergone relaparotomy. For evaluation three peritonitis indexes are taken: MPI (Mannheim Peritonitis Index), AI (Abdominal Index), PI (Predictive Index of relaparotomy). As a result of the conducted evaluation of practical efficiency of peritonitis indexes the statistical conclusion is presented, on which basis a new evaluating system is supposed to be developed which will define indications for relaparotomy and the creation of its new digital modal. A new integral index will comply with all the modern approach, principals, standards of diagnosis and treatment of the patients with peritonitis. The digital modal of a new integral index (mobile application) is planned to be used both for smart phones and for PCs on the base of Android, IOS, Microsoft Windows, MAC, Linux. The creating of a new integral scale will lead to a more accurate determination of indications for relaparotomy which will improve treatment results of patients with peritonitis. The mobile application is expected to sim ______________________________ © Веденин Ю.И., Кучин Д.А., 2021 plify the work with a new index and the use of the application will enable to avoid arithmetical errors when calculating. The results of calculations will be stored in an electronic form which will help find out necessary information at any time.

surgery, relaparotomy, peritonitis, urgent, indications, index, application
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