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Abstract (English):
In modern socio-economic conditions, the activity of almost any enterprise is aimed at improving financial performance with the parallel development of social aspects. Making a profit in this case is largely due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the macroeconomic business environment. The article examines the healthcare sector of the Russian Federation and on the basis of the State Medical Institution ______________________________ © Бокова Р.Д., Косинова Н.Н., 2021 «City Polyclinic No. 5» from the standpoint of the main macroeconomic factors that influence it. The purpose of the study is to study the methodology and methodology of using PESTEL analysis, to identify indicators and characteristics of the external environment, as well as to study it taking into account the main six factors (political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, environmental and legal). The specifics of the impact of these factors on health care is that a medical organization cannot influence them, but it is obliged to take them into account in its activities. Conducting an analysis of the risks and opportunities that manifest themselves in the factors of the PESTEL analysis that affect the organization of the work of the polyclinic will allow the author to give examples of possible administrative measures to optimize the work of the State Budgetary Institution «City Polyclinic No. 5», taking into account the macroeconomic factors of the environment. This will allow the management of the health care institution to make balanced and effective management decisions aimed at optimizing the work of the medical organization.

PESTEL-analysis, digital transformation, management system, data transmission, macroeconomic factors of the external environment
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