Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the study is to analyze the nutritional characteristics depending on the length of the competition distance and gender of athletes aged 40 years and older in people aged 40 years and older who are engaged in sports (athletics, participation in competitions at distances of 10 km or more). Data on nutrition characteristics were obtained by interviewing athletes aged 40 years and older competing in track and field events at distances of 10 kilometers or more. In total, 1800 questionnaires were distributed, and 1649 completed questionnaires were collected. As feed characteristics studied were the following: the presence or absence of commitment to any diet, frequency of food intakes, regularity of meals, character meals, especially diet each meal the importance of food quality and availability that the use of flour, sweets and carbonated sugary drinks. The first group included individuals whose maximum distance at the competition did not exceed 21.1 km. The second category included people running a marathon (42.2 km) and longer distances. A study of the nutritional characteristics of individuals who are able to perform huge aerobic work showed that despite the huge loads, marathon runners in the majority did not adhere to the diet, did not follow the diet, and tried to eat at the same time if possible. Marathon women were more attentive to the diet, but also like men, most did not adhere to the diet, did not follow the diet, although they tried to observe the meal time. The number of meals was large and did not depend on the length of the distance run. Women were more attentive to the quality and composition of food in contrast to men. Marathon runners and especially women, were very loyal to "snacks" in addition to three or more meals. This group of the population was very loyal to flour and sweet foods.

public health, older generation, veteran athletes, lifestyle, nutrition characteristics
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