Russian University of State for Social (Head of the Department)
Moscow, Russian Federation
The purpose of the study. To study the impact of the level of education on the degree of responsibility for their own health in women of reproductive age. Research materials. The study group included 566 non-pregnant women aged 18-49 years. The data were obtained by an anonymous survey on the questionnaire "Research of social determinants of health", which was finalized by the authors. The first comparison group included 306 women with higher or incomplete higher education (high educational status). The second comparison group included 260 women with secondary or specialized secondary education (lower educational status). Each of the groups described above was divided into four more subgroups by age into 4 subgroups. Results of the study. The vast majority of women of reproductive age, regardless of the level of education received, consider themselves responsible for their health, although the protection of their rights as a patient is mostly entrusted to state authorities and, to a lesser extent, to medical insurance organizations. Law firms, which are trusted by one in six women of reproductive age, also have some popularity among the studied population. A high degree of responsibility and permissible solidarity with state authorities and medical insurance organizations allows planning measures to preserve and strengthen the health of women of reproductive age on the basis of cooperation between the efforts of the individual and the institutions of the health system and the state.
determinants of health, women of reproductive age, attitude to health
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