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Abstract (English):
The main goal of modernizing Russian healthcare is to increase the availability and quality of medical care for the general population, while the most important socially significant component of this task is the rational provision of citizens of the Russian Federation (RF) with the necessary effective and high-quality medicines. Drug provision for privileged categories of citizens in the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out at the Federal and territorial levels. The main priority in the work of pharmaceutical organizations is social orientation, concern for the availability of medical care for all layers and categories of citizens of the Russian Federation. Financial resources are allocated annually from the budgets of all levels to provide preferential medical care for privileged categories of citizens, but their size does not allow them to provide medicines and medical devices in full in accordance with the needs of patients. The problem of improving the mechanism for providing full-fledged medical care for privileged categories of the population continues to be extremely relevant for several years, as it affects the interests of the socially vulnerable part of the population

preferential population, preferential drug provision, financing of provision of necessary medicines
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