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Abstract (English):
Whooping cough is an acute respiratory disease caused by B. Pertussis, characterized by a paroxysmal cough and the presence of severe complications. Against the background of high vaccination coverage, the incidence remains unstable, with a tendency to increase in many countries, Russia is not an exception. Whooping cough remains a significant cause of childhood mortality and a serious health problem. In the world, about 60 million people get whooping cough every year. More than 1 million children die, especially in the first year of life. In Russia, indicators of the average level of morbidity are registered: from 1,0 to 4,15 per 100 thousand population. The tense epidemiological situation is explained by the lack of alertness of clinicians in the possibility of infection of adolescents and adults, since the disease often occurs in an atypical form and is diagnosed as ARI or SARS. The increase in morbidity is associated with: improved diagnostics (PCR diagnostics), changes in the antigenic structure of the pathogen, short duration of post-vaccination immunity, and reduced vaccination coverage.

pertussis, the incidence of pertussis, the epidemiological significance of pertussis, vaccination of the population
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