Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2712-8164 (print)
Periodicity (English)

4 times a year

Russian science citation index:
Yes 75416

Author Guidelines




  1. These requirements are developed to meet the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" compiled by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and can be updated in the future.
  2. "Caspian Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy" accepts for publication scientific reviews, original articles, regulatory and procedural documents, peer reviews, and information materials that have not previously been published or accepted for publication in any other printed or electronic media.
  3. The author guarantees having his exclusive right to use the material submitted to the Editorial Board as a result of intellectual activity according to the current legislation regulating the circulation of rights to intellectual property results. In case of infringes upon the guarantee and claims to the editorial board in connection with these, the author agrees to settle all the claims on his own and at his own expense. The editorial board bears no third party liability for the breach of the author’s guarantees.
  4. In order to ensure the publication of material, the authors should remember that plagiarism is inadmissible. Plagiarism consists in illegal use of another individual’s work or ideas under one’s own name, as well as fragment borrowing from other people's works without specifying the source of borrowing, intentional appropriation of authorship. Source reference is required when borrowing from another author's text. In case of confirmation of plagiarism or falsification of results the article is unreservedly rejected. In this connection, when submitting a copyright original text of the article to the editorial board, please, include a certificate of its originality in the accompanying documents (http://www.antiplagiat.ru).
  5. The article should be carefully verified by the authors and the copyright original text of the article should be signed by each of them. The editorial board reserves the right to abridge and edit the materials of articles, regardless of their size, including changes in titles, terms and definitions. Minor stylistic, nomenclature or formal corrections are made without coordination with the author. If the article was altered by the author in the process of preparing for publication, the date of submission of the copyright original text of the article is the day when the editorial board received the final text.
  6. The article should be accompanied by a covering letter from the institution where the work has been performed. The first page of one of the copies of the copyright original text of the article should contain the visa "In print" and the signature of the senior official covered by the round stamp of the institution; and the last page should contain the signatures of all the authors specifying a person responsible for contacts with editors (last name, first name, middle name, full work address and telephone number).
  7. The copyright original text of the article should be submitted in 3 copies and in an electronic form. The text is to be typed in A4 format, with 1 interval (font Times New Roman), the width of fields: left - 2 cm, right - 2 cm, top - 2 cm, bottom - 5 cm.
  8. All pages of the copyright original text of the article are to be numbered (bottom center). The width of the text is aligned full with paragraph indention of 1 cm.
  9. The first page of the copyright original text of the article is to contain the accompanying information:

1) UDC (in the left corner of the page, without indents from the edge);

2) the title of the article (center, in capital letters and bold, font size 11pt; no full stop after the title);

3) full name of the author(s), academic degree, academic rank, position, full name of the principal place of employment (including department, laboratory), full postal business address, e-mail, phone number (font size 11 pt);

4) the scope of publications of the Journal includes the following study areas (under the Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia № 118 of February 24, 2021):

3.1.4. Obstetrics and Gynecology (medical sciences);

3.1.5. Ophthalmology (medical sciences);

3.1.21. Pediatrics (medical sciences); 

3.1.24. Neurology (medical sciences); 

3.1.13. Urology and andrology (medical sciences);

3.1.18. Internal diseases (medical sciences);

3.1.7. Stomatology (medical sciences);

3.1.9. Surgery (medical sciences);

3.2.1. Hygiene (medical sciences);

3.2.2. Epidemiology (medical sciences);

3.2.3. Public health and healthcare organization, sociology and history of medicine (medical sciences);

3.3.6. Pharmacology, clinical pharmacology (pharmaceutical sciences).

  1. The accompanying information is followed by a summary (10–15 lines), key words (8–10) (font size of 10 pt). The summary should be concise and informative, and completely reveal the contents of the article; the use of abbreviations is unacceptable.
  2. The title of the article should not exceed 200 characters, including spaces; it should be informative, the use of abbreviations, participial constructions, question and exclamation marks is unacceptable.
  3. The main text of the article should be typed with 11 pt font size. Original articles should include the following sections: introduction, the purpose of the research, materials and methods, results and their discussion (statistical analysis of the results is required), conclusion, and acknowledgment.
  4. The size of original articles is to be 5-10 pages, the size of review articles – from 5 to 16 pages, other types of articles and letters to the editor – 3-5 pages, including tables, figures, and a list of references (at least 20 sources - for original articles and at least 30 - for reviews).
  5. The copyright original text of the article is to conform to the scientific style of speech, be clear and precise, without long historical introductions, unreasonable repetitions and neologisms. Strict sequence of presentation of the material is necessary, subordinated to the logic of a scientific research, with a clear delineation of the results obtained by the author from the relevant literature data and their interpretation.
  6. In the introduction of the original article you should briefly indicate the state of the problem, the relevance of the study, formulate the purpose of the work. It is necessary to mention only those works that directly relate to the topic.
  7. The organization of the study (design) should be clearly and accurately described in «Materials and methods»:
  • specify the compliance with ethical norms and rules while performing the study (if original articles are submitted, the accompanying documents include an extract from the protocol of the meeting of the Ethics Committee);
  • scope and form of the study, cross-sectional (transverse), longitudinal (prospective or retrospective study), etc .;
  • method of separating the sample into groups, the description of the population from which the sample was taken (if the main and the control group were formed from different populations, name each of them);
  • criteria for inclusion and exclusion of observations (if they were different for the main and control groups, list them separately);
  • mention the presence or absence of randomization (indicating methods) while distributing patients in groups, as well as the presence or absence of masking (“blinding”) with a placebo and medicament use in clinical tests;
  • a detailed description of methods of the research in a reproducible form containing appropriate references to literary sources and the description of methods modifications made by the authors;
  • description of the used equipment and diagnostic appliances with manufacturer specifications, the name of diagnostic kits indicating their manufacturers and normal values for certain indicators;
  • description of the procedure of statistical analysis with obligatory indication of the name of the software, its manufacturer and country (e.g.: Statistica (StatSoft, USA; StatSoft, Russia), the critical significance level p accepted in the study (e.g., “0.001 was considered the critical value of the significance level”). The level of significance should be indicated up to the third decimal place (e.g., 0,038), but not as an inequality (p < 0,05 or p > 0,05). It is necessary to decipher which particular descriptive statistics are provided for quantitative traits (e.g.: “middle and high-quadratic deviation (M + s)”; “median and quartiles of Me [Q1; Q3]”). When using parametric methods of statistical analysis (e.g., t-Student criterion, Pearson correlation analysis) a justification of their applicability is required.
  1. In studies of efficacy and safety of drugs, specify all the preparations and chemicals used, dosages and routes of their administration. Use international nonproprietary names to designate drugs. The trade name of a medicament, the firm-manufacturer and manufacturer country can be given in this section in brackets only after its international nonproprietary name (e.g.: Losartan (“Lozap”, firm-manufacturer “Zentiva”, Czech Republic.) Start the names of medicaments with a capital letter.
  2. In research works devoted to the clinical stage of the study of efficacy and safety of unregistered medicinal products (newly developed medications or known drugs in a new medicinal form) or medicinal products by schemes that are not reflected in official instructions for use, permitting documents issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Public Health are to be provided to the editorial board.
  3. While studying the effectiveness of diagnostic methods, the results should be given in the form of sensitivity, specificity, predictive value of a positive and negative result with the calculation of their confidence intervals.
  4. While studying the effectiveness of a medical intervention (method of treatment or prevention), report the results of the comparison of the main and control groups before the intervention and after it.
  5. In "Results and their discussion" present your own research results in a logical sequence, give accent to only important observations; do not duplicate the information in the text and in the illustrative material. When discussing the results highlight new and actual aspects of the study critically comparing them with other works in this field, and emphasize the possibility of applying the results obtained in further studies.
  6. Conclusion of the work should be linked with the purpose of the study, so as to avoid groundless statements. Section "Conclusion" includes a numbered list of statements confirmed by statistical data analysis.
  7. All word cuts and abbreviations, except for generally accepted, should be explained when first mentioned. To ensure uniformity of the text use the cuts or abbreviations proposed by the author (except for the conclusion) when hereinafter mentioned. There should not be more than 5-7 contractions in text of the article. Generally accepted abbreviations are given in accordance with the SI system, and the names of chemical compounds – according to IUPAC recommendations.
  8. The number of tables, graphs, figures or photographs with captions should be optimal for perception of the material. If borrowing tables, graphs, charts, and other illustrative material indicate the source. References to charts, graphs, diagrams, and etc. in the text are obligatory. The illustrative material is placed after the references to it in the text.
  9. When making tables observe the following rules:
  • tables are made by regular means of Microsoft Word;
  • all tables in the article should be numbered in Arabic numerals by a cross-cutting principle (the word "Table" is placed on the right side of the page above the table name without abbreviations and without the symbol №);
  • each table should have a brief name corresponding to the content (in the middle, in bold, no full-stop after the name). The headings of columns and lines should be formulated laconically and accurately;
  • the information presented in the tables should be succinct, visual, understandable and meet the content of the part of the article that it illustrates;
  • if the table contains materials for obligatory statistical processing, in the footnote to the table specify with respect to which groups the assessment of significance of changes was made;
  • if the table contains materials processed using different statistical approaches, it is necessary to concretize the information in a note. For example, Note: * - the level of significance of changes is p < 0,05 compared with the control group (t-Student criterion with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons);
  • tables of the same type should be constructed in the same way; it is recommended to simplify the construction of tables, to avoid unnecessary columns and diagonal separating lines.
  1. Graphs and diagrams in the article should be made using «Microsoft Graph», numbered in Arabic numerals by a cross-cutting principle (in the center of the page indicating "Fig. 1. Name", 10 pt bold font, no full-stop after the title). Captions to the graphs should indicate the designations for the abscissa and ordinate axes and units (for example: the antibody titer in the reaction of direct hemagglutination, lg), provide explanations for each curve. If diagrams represent a statistically processed data, the error must be reflected graphically.
  2. Photographs are to be submitted in TIFF or JPEG format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Captions to microphotographs should specify the magnification.
  3. You can’t provide copies of illustrations obtained by photocopying.
  4. A single illustration should not be numbered.
  5. All the data in tables, captions inside figures and graphs should be typed with 1 interval, font Times New Roman, font size of 10 pt. Formulas should be typed using the «Microsoft Equation».
  6. A brief acknowledgment section may be given after the conclusion section just before the references. The acknowledgment of people who provided assistance in manuscript preparation or funding for research, etc. should be listed in this section.
  7. The main text should be followed by “References” (font size of 10 pt) in alphabetical order, sources in the Cyrillic characters coming first, then – in the Roman characters.


Use the following style and punctuation for references.

Reference to a journal publication: Linke B. G. O., Casagrande T. A. C., Cardoso L. A. C. Food additives and their health effects: A review on preservative sodium benzoate. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2018; 17 (10): 306–310.

Uphoff E. P., Bird P. K., Antó J. M., Basterrechea M., von Berg A., Bergström A., Bousquet J., Chatzi L., Fantini M. P., Ferrero A., Gehring U., Gori D., Heinrich J. Variations in the prevalence of childhood asthma and wheeze in MeDALL cohorts in Europe. European Respiratory Journal. Open Research. 2017; 3 (3): 00150–2016. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00150-2016.

Note: for all articles in References list, DOI and/or PMID must be indicated if any!

Reference to a book: Gravas S., Bach T., Bachmann A., Drake M., Gacci M., Gratzke C., Madersbacher S., Mamoulakis C., Tikkinen K. A. O., Karavitakis M., Malde S., Sakkalis V., Umbach R. Management of Non-Neurogenic Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS), incl. Benign Prostatic Obstruction (BPO). European Association of Urology; 2016. 62 p.

Reference to a chapter in an edited book: Meltzer P. S., Kallioniemi A., Trent J. M. Chromosome alterations in human solid tumors. The genetic basis of human cancer. Under the editorship of B. Vogelstein, K. W. Kinzler. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002: 93–113.

Media: Henkel J. Testicular Cancer: Survival High With Early Treatment. FDA Consumer magazine [serial online]. January–February 1996. URL: http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/196_test.html.


Conferences and Meetings: Accessibility and quality of health services. Proceedings of the 28th Meeting of the European Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS). Ed.; Ferreira de Oliveira M.J. Jul 28-Aug 2 2002. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Frankfurt (Germany) : Peter Lang; 2004. 287 p.

Theses and Dissertations: indicate the author, the title of the thesis (abstract), (thesis of Doctor (Candidate) of Medical (Biological) Sciences), city, year, pages.


if the source is in the Cyrillic characters

Ponezheva Zh. B. Clinico-immunological aspects of pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis C and ways to optimize therapy. Abstract of thesis of Doctor of Medical Sciences. Moscow; 2011. 38 p. (In Russ.).

if the source is in the Latin characters

Zhao C. Development of nanoelectrospray and application to protein research and drug discovery. Dissertation. Buffalo (NY), State University of New York at Buffalo; 2005. 276 p.


if the source is in the Cyrillic characters

Gorelkin A. G., Pinkhasov B. B. The way of definition of man's biological age and senility speed. Patent RF, no. 2387374. 2010. (In Russ.).

if the source is in the Latin characters

Myers K., Nguyen C. Prosthetic heart valve. United States patent US 6,911,043. Myers K., Nguyen C., inventors; assignee is 3F Therapeutics Inc. 2005 Jun 28.

Pagedas A.C. Flexible endoscopicgrasping and cutting device and positioning tool assembly. United States patent US 20020103498. Pagedas A.C., inventor; assignee and patent holder is Ancel Surgical R&D Inc., 01.08.2002.

In the text, references are put in Arabic numerals in square brackets according to the list, for example, [1] or [2, 4, 22].

  1. The references should mainly include the articles published in the last 10-15 years and comprehensively reflecting the current state of the issue in question. The author bears full responsibility for the accuracy of information and correctness of bibliographic data.

Procedure for acceptance and promotion of an article:

  1. The editorial board receives at least 1 copy of the copyright original text of the article, as well as accompanying documents: an official covering letter from the institution, a certificate of originality of the text (http://www.antiplagiat.ru), expert opinion on materials prepared for open publication, a transfer of copyright agreement and a consent to personal data processing.
  2. The editorial board reads the text, reviews it and informs the author of the decision concerning its publication. Of a positive decision of the editorial board to publish the article only after making certain edits the author is informed by e-mail (if no response is received within 1 month from the date of dispatch of the notification, the article is withdrawn from further consideration).
  3. The article is prepared by the editorial board and published in the journal.
  4. Only one article of the first author can be printed in one issue of the journal.
  5. Articles that receive a negative decision of the Editorial Board and / or the text format of which does not comply with the above rules are not published in the journal and are not returned to the authors.


Submit your manuscripts to the address: 121, Bakinskaya Street, Astrakhan 414000,

Astrakhan State Medical University, «Caspian Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy», the editorial board.


Scanned copies of accompanying documentsthe first page of one of the copies of the manuscript with the visa “In print”, the signature of the senior official covered by the round stamp of the institution, the last page with the signatures of all the authors, as well as the text of the article in RTF format, please, send to

Website: https://kaspmed.ru; e-mail: kaspmed@astgmu.ru.


Patent information retrieval in the patent information resources of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property

is free of charge for the authors of the articles on the basis of

the Support Center for Technology and Innovation of the Astrakhan State Medical University.

Publikacionnaya etika

  1. Vvedenie.

1.1. Publikaciya materialov v recenziruemyh zhurnalah ne tol'ko yavlyaetsya prostym sposobom nauchnyh kommunikaciy, no i vnosit znachitel'nyy vklad v razvitie sootvetstvuyuschey oblasti nauchnogo znaniya. Takim obrazom, vazhno ustanovit' standarty buduschego etichnogo povedeniya vseh vovlechennyh v publikaciyu storon, a imenno: Avtorov, Redaktorov zhurnala, Recenzentov, Izdatel'stva i Nauchnogo obschestva dlya zhurnala «Prikaspiyskiy vestnik mediciny i farmacii».

1.2. Izdatel' ne tol'ko podderzhivaet nauchnye kommunikacii i investiruet v dannyy process, no takzhe neset otvetstvennost' za soblyudenie vseh sovremennyh rekomendaciy v publikuemoy rabote.

1.3. Izdatel' beret na sebya obyazatel'stva po strozhayshemu nadzoru za nauchnymi materialami. Nashi zhurnal'nye programmy predstavlyayut bespristrastnyy «otchet» razvitiya nauchnoy mysli i issledovaniy, poetomu my takzhe osoznaem otvetstvennost' za dolzhnoe predstavlenie etih «otchetov», osobenno s tochki zreniya eticheskih aspektov publikaciy, izlozhennyh v nastoyaschem dokumente.

  1. Obyazannosti Redaktorov.

2.1. Reshenie o publikacii.

Redaktor nauchnogo zhurnala «Prikaspiyskiy vestnik mediciny i farmacii» samolichno i nezavisimo neset otvetstvennost' za prinyatie resheniya o publikacii, chasto v sotrudnichestve s sootvetstvuyuschim Nauchnym obschestvom. Dostovernost' rassmatrivaemoy raboty i ee nauchnaya znachimost' vsegda dolzhny lezhat' v osnove resheniya o publikacii. Redaktor mozhet rukovodstvovat'sya politikoy Redakcionnoy kollegii zhurnala «Prikaspiyskiy vestnik mediciny i farmacii», buduchi ogranichennym aktual'nymi yuridicheskimi trebovaniyami v otnoshenii klevety, avtorskogo prava, zakonnosti i plagiata.

Redaktor mozhet soveschat'sya s drugimi Redaktorami i Recenzentami (ili dolzhnostnymi licami Nauchnogo obschestva) vo vremya prinyatiya resheniya o publikacii.

2.2. Poryadochnost'.

Redaktor dolzhen ocenivat' intellektual'noe soderzhanie rukopisey vne zavisimosti ot rasy, pola, seksual'noy orientacii, religioznyh vzglyadov, proishozhdeniya, grazhdanstva ili politicheskih predpochteniy Avtorov.

2.3. Konfidencial'nost'.

Redaktor i Redakcionnaya kollegiya zhurnala «Prikaspiyskiy vestnik mediciny i farmacii» obyazany bez neobhodimosti ne raskryvat' informaciyu o prinyatoy rukopisi vsem licam, za isklyucheniem Avtorov, Recenzentov, vozmozhnyh Recenzentov, drugih nauchnyh konsul'tantov i Izdatelya.

2.4. Politika raskrytiya i konflikty interesov.

2.4.1. Neopublikovannye dannye, poluchennye iz predstavlennyh k rassmotreniyu rukopisey, nel'zya ispol'zovat' v lichnyh issledovaniyah bez pis'mennogo soglasiya Avtora. Informaciya ili idei, poluchennye v hode recenzirovaniya i svyazannye s vozmozhnymi preimuschestvami, dolzhny sohranyat'sya konfidencial'nymi i ne ispol'zovat'sya s cel'yu polucheniya lichnoy vygody.

2.4.2. Redaktory dolzhny brat' samootvod ot rassmotreniya rukopisey (a imenno: zaprashivat' Soredaktora, Pomoschnika redaktora ili sotrudnichat' s drugimi chlenami Redakcionnoy kollegii pri rassmotrenii raboty vmesto samolichnogo recenzirovaniya i prinyatiya resheniya) v sluchae nalichiya konfliktov interesov vsledstvie konkurentnyh, sovmestnyh i drugih vzaimodeystviy i otnosheniy s Avtorami, kompaniyami i, vozmozhno, drugimi organizaciyami, svyazannymi s rukopis'yu.

2.5. Nadzor za publikaciyami.

Redaktor, predostavivshiy ubeditel'nye dokazatel'stva togo, chto utverzhdeniya ili vyvody, predstavlennye v publikacii, oshibochny, dolzhen soobschit' ob etom Izdatelyu (i/ili v sootvetstvuyuschee Nauchnoe obschestvo) s cel'yu skoreyshego uvedomleniya o vnesenii izmeneniy, iz'yatiya publikacii, vyrazheniya obespokoennosti i drugih sootvetstvuyuschih situacii zayavleniy.

2.6. Vovlechennost' i sotrudnichestvo v ramkah issledovaniy.

Redaktor sovmestno s Izdatelem (ili Nauchnym obschestvom) prinimayut adekvatnye otvetnye mery v sluchae eticheskih pretenziy, kasayuschihsya rassmotrennyh rukopisey ili opublikovannyh materialov. Podobnye mery v obschih chertah vklyuchayut vzaimodeystvie s Avtorami rukopisi i argumentaciyu sootvetstvuyuschey zhaloby ili trebovaniya, no takzhe mogut podrazumevat' vzaimodeystviya s sootvetstvuyuschimi organizaciyami i issledovatel'skimi centrami.

  1. Obyazannosti Recenzentov.

3.1. Vliyanie na resheniya Redakcionnoy kollegii.

Recenzirovanie pomogaet Redaktoru prinyat' reshenie o publikacii i posredstvom sootvetstvuyuschego vzaimodeystviya s Avtorami takzhe mozhet pomoch' Avtoru povysit' kachestvo raboty. Recenzirovanie - eto neobhodimoe zveno v formal'nyh nauchnyh kommunikaciyah, nahodyascheesya v samom «serdce» nauchnogo podhoda. Izdatel' razdelyaet tochku zreniya o tom, chto vse uchenye, kotorye hotyat vnesti vklad v publikaciyu, obyazany vypolnyat' suschestvennuyu rabotu po recenzirovaniyu rukopisi.

3.2. Ispolnitel'nost'.

Lyuboy vybrannyy Recenzent, chuvstvuyuschiy nedostatochno kvalifikacii dlya rassmotreniya rukopisi ili ne imeyuschiy dostatochno vremeni dlya bystrogo vypolneniya raboty, dolzhen uvedomit' Redaktora zhurnala «Prikaspiyskiy vestnik mediciny i farmacii» i poprosit' isklyuchit' ego iz processa recenzirovaniya sootvetstvuyuschey rukopisi.

3.3. Konfidencial'nost'.

Lyubaya rukopis', poluchennaya dlya recenzirovaniya, dolzhna rassmatrivat'sya kak konfidencial'nyy dokument. Dannuyu rabotu nel'zya otkryvat' i obsuzhdat' s lyubymi licami, ne imeyuschimi na to polnomochiy ot Redaktora.

3.4. Trebovaniya k rukopisi i ob'ektivnost'.

Recenzent obyazan davat' ob'ektivnuyu ocenku. Personal'naya kritika Avtora nepriemlema. Recenzentam sleduet yasno i argumentirovano vyrazhat' svoe mnenie.

3.5. Priznanie pervoistochnikov.

Recenzentam sleduet vyyavlyat' znachimye opublikovannye raboty, sootvetstvuyuschie teme i ne vklyuchennye v bibliografiyu k rukopisi. Na lyuboe utverzhdenie (nablyudenie, vyvod ili argument), opublikovannoe ranee, v rukopisi dolzhna byt' sootvetstvuyuschaya bibliograficheskaya ssylka. Recenzent dolzhen takzhe obraschat' vnimanie Redaktora na obnaruzhenie suschestvennogo shodstva ili sovpadeniya mezhdu rassmatrivaemoy rukopis'yu i lyuboy drugoy opublikovannoy rabotoy, nahodyascheysya v sfere nauchnoy kompetencii Recenzenta.

3.6. Politika raskrytiya i konflikty interesov.

3.6.1. Neopublikovannye dannye, poluchennye iz predstavlennyh k rassmotreniyu rukopisey, nel'zya ispol'zovat' v lichnyh issledovaniyah bez pis'mennogo soglasiya Avtora. Informaciya ili idei, poluchennye v hode recenzirovaniya i svyazannye s vozmozhnymi preimuschestvami, dolzhny sohranyat'sya konfidencial'nymi i ne ispol'zovat'sya s cel'yu polucheniya lichnoy vygody.

3.6.2. Recenzenty ne dolzhny uchastvovat' v rassmotrenii rukopisey v sluchae nalichiya konfliktov interesov vsledstvie konkurentnyh, sovmestnyh i drugih vzaimodeystviy i otnosheniy s lyubym iz Avtorov, kompaniyami ili drugimi organizaciyami, svyazannymi s predstavlennoy rabotoy.

  1. Obyazannosti Avtorov.

4.1. Trebovaniya k rukopisyam.

4.1.1. Avtory doklada ob original'nom issledovanii dolzhny predostavlyat' dostovernye rezul'taty prodelannoy raboty, takzhe kak i ob'ektivnoe obsuzhdenie znachimosti issledovaniya. Dannye, lezhaschie v osnove raboty, dolzhny byt' predstavleny bezoshibochno. Rabota dolzhna soderzhat' dostatochno detaley i bibliograficheskih ssylok dlya vozmozhnogo vosproizvedeniya. Lozhnye ili zavedomo oshibochnye utverzhdeniya vosprinimayutsya kak neetichnoe povedenie i nepriemlemy.

4.1.2. Obzory i nauchnye stat'i takzhe dolzhny byt' tochnymi i ob'ektivnymi, tochka zreniya Redakcii dolzhny byt' chetko oboznachena.

4.2. Dostup k dannym i ih hranenie.

Redakciya ostavlyaet za soboy pravo zaprosit' u Avtorov ishodnye (neobrabotannye) dannye issledovaniya, v tom chisle dlya predostavleniya recenzentam i redaktoram. Avtory dolzhny byt' gotovy predostavit' takogo roda informaciyu sotrudnikam redakcii (soglasno ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Databases), esli eto osuschestvimo, a tak zhe sohranyat' eti dannye v techenie adekvatnogo perioda vremeni posle publikacii.

4.3. Original'nost' i plagiat.

4.3.1. Avtory dolzhny udostoverit'sya, chto predstavlena polnost'yu original'naya rabota i v sluchae ispol'zovaniya rabot ili utverzhdeniy drugih Avtorov dolzhny predostavlyat' sootvetstvuyuschie bibliograficheskie ssylki ili vyderzhki.

4.3.2. Plagiat mozhet suschestvovat' vo mnogih formah, ot predstavleniya chuzhoy raboty kak avtorskoy do kopirovaniya ili perefrazirovaniya suschestvennyh chastey chuzhih rabot (bez ukazaniya avtorstva) i do zayavleniya sobstvennyh prav na rezul'taty chuzhih issledovaniy. Plagiat vo vseh formah predstavlyaet soboy neetichnye deystviya i nepriemlem.

4.4. Mnozhestvennost', izbytochnost' i odnovremennost' publikaciy.

4.4.1. V obschem sluchae Avtor ne dolzhen publikovat' rukopis', po bol'shey chasti posvyaschennuyu odnomu i tomu zhe issledovaniyu, bolee chem v odnom zhurnale kak original'nuyu publikaciyu. Predstavlenie odnoy i toy zhe rukopisi odnovremenno bolee chem v odin zhurnal vosprinimaetsya kak neetichnoe povedenie i nepriemlemo.

4.4.2. V obschem sluchae Avtor ne dolzhen predstavlyat' na rassmotrenie v drugoy zhurnal ranee opublikovannuyu stat'yu.

4.4.3. Publikaciya opredelennogo tipa statey (naprimer, klinicheskih rekomendaciy, perevodnyh statey) v bolee chem odnom zhurnale yavlyaetsya v nekotoryh sluchayah etichnoy pri soblyudenii opredelennyh usloviy. Avtory i Redaktory zainteresovannyh zhurnalov dolzhny soglasit'sya na vtorichnuyu publikaciyu, predstavlyayuschuyu obyazatel'no te zhe dannye i interpretacii, chto i v pervichno opublikovannoy rabote.

Bibliografiya pervichnoy raboty dolzhna byt' predstavlena i vo vtoroy publikacii. Bolee podrobnuyu informaciyu o dopustimyh formah vtorichnyh (povtornyh) publikaciy mozhno nayti na stranice www.icmje.org.

4.5. Priznanie pervoistochnikov.

Neobhodimo vsegda priznavat' vklad drugih lic. Avtory dolzhny ssylat'sya na publikacii, kotorye imeyut znachenie dlya vypolneniya predstavlennoy raboty. Dannye, poluchennye privatno, naprimer, v hode besedy, perepiski ili v processe obsuzhdeniya s tret'imi storonami, ne dolzhny byt' ispol'zovany ili predstavleny bez yasnogo pis'mennogo razresheniya pervoistochnika. Informaciya, poluchennaya iz konfidencial'nyh istochnikov, takaya kak ocenivanie rukopisey ili predostavlenie grantov, ne dolzhna ispol'zovat'sya bez chetkogo pis'mennogo razresheniya Avtorov raboty, imeyuschey otnoshenie k konfidencial'nym istochnikam.

4.6. Avtorstvo publikacii.

4.6.1. Avtorami publikacii mogut vystupat' tol'ko lica, kotorye vnesli znachitel'nyy vklad v formirovanie zamysla raboty, razrabotku, ispolnenie ili interpretaciyu predstavlennogo issledovaniya. Vse te, kto vnes znachitel'nyy vklad, dolzhny byt' oboznacheny kak Soavtory. V teh sluchayah, kogda uchastniki issledovaniya vnesli suschestvennyy vklad po opredelennomu napravleniyu v issledovatel'skom proekte, oni dolzhny byt' ukazany kak lica, vnesshie znachitel'nyy vklad v dannoe issledovanie.

4.6.2. Avtor dolzhen udostoverit'sya, chto vse uchastniki, vnesshie suschestvennyy vklad v issledovanie, predstavleny kak Soavtory i ne privedeny v kachestve Soavtorov te, kto ne uchastvoval v issledovanii, chto vse Soavtory videli i odobrili okonchatel'nuyu versiyu raboty i soglasilis' s predstavleniem ee k publikacii.

4.7. Riski, a takzhe lyudi i zhivotnye, vystupayuschie ob'ektami issledovaniy.

4.7.1. Esli rabota predpolagaet ispol'zovanie himicheskih produktov, procedur ili oborudovanie, pri ekspluatacii kotoryh vozmozhen kakoy-libo neobychnyy risk, Avtor dolzhen chetko oboznachit' eto v rukopisi.

4.7.2. Esli v rabote predpolagaetsya uchastie zhivotnyh ili lyudey kak ob'ektov issledovaniya, Avtory dolzhny udostoverit'sya, chto v rukopisi ukazano, chto vse stadii issledovaniya sootvetstvuyut zakonodatel'stvu i normativnym dokumentam issledovatel'skih organizaciy, a takzhe odobreny sootvetstvuyuschimi komitetami. V rukopisi dolzhno byt' chetko otrazheno, chto ot vseh lyudey, stavshih ob'ektami issledovaniy, polucheno informirovannoe soglasie. Neobhodimo vsegda sledit' za soblyudeniem prav na neprikosnovennost' chastnoy zhizni.

4.8. Politika raskrytiya i konflikty interesov.

4.8.1. Vse Avtory obyazany raskryvat' v svoih rukopisyah finansovye ili drugie suschestvuyuschie konflikty interesov, kotorye mogut byt' vosprinyaty kak okazavshie vliyanie na rezul'taty ili vyvody, predstavlennye v rabote.

4.8.2. Primery potencial'nyh konfliktov interesov, obyazatel'no podlezhaschih raskrytiyu, vklyuchayut rabotu po naymu, konsul'tirovanie, nalichie akcionernoy sobstvennosti, poluchenie gonorarov, predostavlenie ekspertnyh zaklyuchenie, patentnaya zayavka ili registraciya patenta, granty i drugoe finansovoe obespechenie. Potencial'nye konflikty interesov dolzhny byt' raskryty kak mozhno ran'she.

4.9. Suschestvennye oshibki v opublikovannyh rabotah.

V sluchae obnaruzheniya Avtorom suschestvennyh oshibok ili netochnostey v publikacii, Avtor dolzhen soobschit' ob etom Redaktoru zhurnala «Prikaspiyskiy vestnik mediciny i farmacii» i vzaimodeystvovat' s Redaktorom s cel'yu skoreyshego iz'yatiya publikacii ili ispravleniya oshibok. Esli Redaktor ili Izdatel'stvo poluchili svedeniya ot tret'ey storony o tom, chto publikaciya soderzhit suschestvennye oshibki, Avtor obyazan iz'yat' rabotu ili ispravit' oshibki v maksimal'no korotkie sroki.

  1. Obyazannosti Izdatel'stva.

5.1. Izdatel' dolzhen sledovat' principam i proceduram, sposobstvuyuschim ispolneniyu eticheskih obyazannostey Redaktorami, Recenzentami i Avtorami zhurnala «Prikaspiyskiy vestnik mediciny i farmacii» v sootvetstvii s dannymi trebovaniyami. Izdatel' dolzhen byt' uveren, chto potencial'naya pribyl' ot razmescheniya reklamy ili proizvodstva reprintov ne povliyala na resheniya Redaktorov.

5.2. Izdatel'stvo dolzhno okazyvat' podderzhku Redaktoram zhurnala «Prikaspiyskiy vestnik mediciny i farmacii» v rassmotrenii pretenziy k eticheskim aspektam publikuemyh materialov i pomogat' vzaimodeystvovat' s drugimi zhurnalami i/ili Izdatel'stvami, esli eto sposobstvuet ispolneniyu obyazannostey Redaktorami.

5.3. Izdatel' dolzhen sposobstvovat' nadlezhaschey praktike provedeniya issledovaniy i vnedryat' otraslevye standarty v celyah sovershenstvovaniya eticheskih rekomendaciy, procedur iz'yatiya i ispravleniya oshibok.

5.4. Izdatel' dolzhen obespechit' sootvetstvuyuschuyu specializirovannuyu yuridicheskuyu podderzhku (zaklyuchenie ili konsul'tirovanie) v sluchae neobhodimosti.

Razdel podgotovlen po materialam izdatel'stva nauchnoy i medicinskoy literatury Elsevier, a tak zhe materialov Mezhdunarodnogo Komiteta po publikacionnoy etike (COPE)

Procedure for acceptance and promotion of an article:

  1. The editorial board receives at least 1 copy of the copyright original text of the article, as well as accompanying documents: an official covering letter from the institution, a certificate of originality of the text (http://www.antiplagiat.ru), expert opinion on materials prepared for open publication, a transfer of copyright agreement and a consent to personal data processing.
  2. The editorial board reads the text, reviews it and informs the author of the decision concerning its publication. Of a positive decision of the editorial board to publish the article only after making certain edits the author is informed by e-mail (if no response is received within 1 month from the date of dispatch of the notification, the article is withdrawn from further consideration).
  3. The article is prepared by the editorial board and published in the journal.
  4. Only one article of the first author can be printed in one issue of the journal.
  5. Articles that receive a negative decision of the Editorial Board and / or the text format of which does not comply with the above rules are not published in the journal and are not returned to the authors.


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Peer review



Only original materials, unpublished in other publications, are accepted for consideration by the Caspian Herald of Medicine and Pharmacy. The authors are solely responsible for the scientific content of the article, references, citations and description of sources and literature, as well as for respecting the copyrights of third parties.
All materials submitted to the editorial office of the Caspian Bulletin of Medicine and Pharmacy, after determining their compliance with the profile of the journal and the requirements for registration, are reviewed with the involvement of Russian and foreign scientists.
All reviewers are recognized experts in the subject of the peer-reviewed materials and have publications on the subject of the peer-reviewed article over the past 3 years.
The reviewer is appointed by the decision of the editorial board of the journal.
One of the main requirements of peer review is confidentiality. The review procedure is anonymous for both reviewers and authors. Violation of confidentiality is possible only if the reviewer claims that the materials contained in the article are unreliable or falsified.
The reviewer is notified that the submitted manuscripts are the intellectual property of the authors and are classified as confidential information. The reviewer is not allowed to transfer the information contained in the articles to third parties who are not members of the editorial board.
The subject of analysis in peer-reviewed articles are: compliance with the design of the article to the requirements of the journal; relevance, novelty and scientific and practical significance of the work; the adequacy of the methods and scope of the study; correctness and adequacy of statistical data processing; the reliability of the results and conclusions, as well as the correspondence between the title of the work and the content of the article. In addition, the quality and style of providing scientific information in the article is evaluated.
Reviewing an article can take up to three months.
Based on the results of the review, the article may be rejected, sent to the author for revision or accepted for publication.
The editors of the journal send copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal to the authors of the submitted materials. The responsible secretary brings the decision to the attention of the author.
The editors of the journal do not store manuscripts that are not accepted for publication. Manuscripts accepted for publication will not be returned.
If the review contains recommendations for correcting the article, the article is sent to the author for revision. In this case, the date of receipt by the editorial office is the date of return of the revised article. If necessary, the article can be re-submitted for review to the same reviewer who made the comments.
In case of inability or unwillingness of the author to take into account the wishes of the editorial board or reviewer, the editors reserve the right to reject the articles.
In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer, the author of the article has the right to provide a reasoned answer to the editors of the journal. The article can be sent for re-reviewing, or for approval by the editorial board.
The decision on the advisability of publication after review is made by the editor-in-chief, and, if necessary, by the editorial board as a whole.

All articles submitted to the journal are reviewed by leading experts in the field.

Publikaciya v zhurnale dlya avtorov besplatna.

Redakciya ne vzimaet platu s avtorov za podgotovku, razmeschenie i pechat' materialov.

Bashkina Ol'ga  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschaya kafedroy fakul'tetskoy pediatrii)
doctor of medical sciences
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Samotrueva Marina  — Vice Chairman of the Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (prorektor po nauchnoy i innovacionnoy rabote, zaveduyuschiy kafedroy farmakognozii, farmacevticheskoy tehnologii i biotehnologii)
doctor of medical sciences
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Akimkin Vasiliy  — Member of Editorial Board
Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor (Director)
doctor of medical sciences
academician Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Asfandiarov Faik  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy urologii)
doctor of medical sciences
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Beglyarov Rauf  — Member of Editorial Board
Azerbaijan Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy detskih bolezney)
doctor of medical sciences
Baku, Azerbaijan
Borschuk Eugene  — Member of Editorial Board
Orenburg State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy obschestvennogo zdorov'ya i zdravoohraneniya №1)
doctor of medical sciences
Orenburg, Russian Federation
Briko Nikolay  — Member of Editorial Board
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy epidemiologii i dokazatel'noy mediciny)
doctor of medical sciences
professor ,
academician Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Geraybeyli Geray  — Member of Editorial Board
Azerbaijan Medical University (rektor, zaveduyuschiy kafedroy psihiatrii)
doctor of medical sciences
Baku, Azerbaijan
Drozdova Irina  — Member of Editorial Board
Kursk State Medical University (dekan farmacevticheskogo i biotehnologicheskogo fakul'tetov, i.o. zaveduyuschego i professor kafedry farmakognozii i botaniki)
doctor of pharmaceutical sciences
Kursk, Russian Federation
Zelensky Vladimir  — Member of Editorial Board
Stavropol State Medical university (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy stomatologii obschey praktiki i detskoy stomatologii)
doctor of medical sciences
Stavropol, Russian Federation
Ibishev Khalid  — Member of Editorial Board
Rostov State Medical University (professor kafedry urologii i reproduktivnogo zdorov'ya cheloveka FPK i PPS (s kursom detskoy urologii-andrologii))
doctor of medical sciences
Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Kantemirova Bela  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (professor kafedry farmakologii)
doctor of medical sciences
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Kenesariev Usen  — Member of Editorial Board
Kazakh National Medical University named after. S.D. Asfendiyarova (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy obschey gigieny i ekologii)
doctor of medical sciences
professor ,
academician Russian Academy of Sciences
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Kolomin Vladimir  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrahanskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet (docent kafedry gigieny mediko-profilakticheskogo fakul'teta s kursom poslediplomnogo obrazovaniya)
candidate of medical sciences
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Konovalov Dmitriy  — Member of Editorial Board
Volgograd State Medical University (zamestitel' direktora po nauchnoy rabote, zaveduyuschiy kafedroy farmakognozii, botaniki i tehnologii fitopreparatov)
doctor of pharmaceutical sciences
Pyatigorsk, Russian Federation
Korolev Alexei  — Member of Editorial Board
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (professor kafedry ekologii cheloveka i gigieny okruzhayuschey sredy)
doctor of medical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Korshever Natan  — Member of Editorial Board
Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet imeni V.I. Razumovskogo (professor kafedry obschestvennogo zdorov'ya i zdravoohraneniya (s kursami pravovedeniya i istorii mediciny))
doctor of medical sciences
Saratov, Russian Federation
Kostenko Nikolay  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy hirurgicheskih bolezney poslediplomnogo obrazovaniya s kursom koloproktologii)
doctor of medical sciences
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Kudryasheva Irina  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy gigieny mediko-profilakticheskogo fakul'teta s kursom poslediplomnogo obrazovaniya)
doctor of medical sciences
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Latyshevskaya Natal'ya  — Member of Editorial Board
The Volgograd State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy obschey gigieny i ekologii)
doctor of medical sciences
Volgograd, Russian Federation
Lindenbraten Aleksandr  — Member of Editorial Board
Institution N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health (pervyy zamestitel' direktora po nauchnoy rabote, zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki RF)
doctor of medical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Mazhitova Marina  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy fundamental'noy himii)
doctor of sciences in biology
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Miroshnikov Valentine  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (professor kafedry urologii)
doctor of medical sciences
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Nemyatyh Oksana  — Member of Editorial Board
St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (zamestitel' zaveduyuschego kafedry upravleniya i ekonomiki farmacii)
doctor of pharmaceutical sciences
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Odishelashvili Givi  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy hirurgicheskih bolezney stomatologicheskogo fakul'teta)
doctor of medical sciences
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Orel Vasiliy  — Member of Editorial Board
FSBEI HE SPbGPMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy social'noy pediatrii i organizacii zdravoohraneniya FP i DPO)
doctor of medical sciences
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Polunina Yekaterina  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (docent kafedry vnutrennih bolezney pediatricheskogo fakul'teta)
doctor of medical sciences
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Popov Eugene  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy poliklinicheskogo dela i skoroy medicinskoy pomoschi s kursom semeynoy mediciny)
doctor of medical sciences
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Rizaev Jasur  — Member of Editorial Board
Samarkand State Medical Institute (rektor)
doctor of medical sciences
Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Rubal'skiy Oleg Vasil'evich  — Member of the editorial board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy mikrobiologii i virusologii)
doctor of medical sciences
professor ,
academician Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Serdyukov Anatoly  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy obschestvennogo zdorov'ya i zdravoohraneniya s kursom poslediplomnogo obrazovaniya)
doctor of medical sciences
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Stepanova Eleanor  — Member of Editorial Board
Pyatigorskiy mediko-farmacevticheskiy institut – filial Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo medicinskogo universiteta (professor kafedry farmacevticheskoy tehnologii s kursom medicinskoy biotehnologii)
doctor of pharmaceutical sciences
Pyatigorsk, Russian Federation
Tutel'yan Alexei  — Member of Editorial Board
Central'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut epidemiologii Rospotrebnadzora (zaveduyuschiy laboratoriey infekciy, svyazannyh s okazaniem medicinskoy pomoschi)
doctor of medical sciences
professor ,
corresponding member Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Ugleva Svetlana  — Member of Editorial Board
Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor (konsul'tant organizacionno-metodicheskogo otdela administrativno-upravlencheskogo podrazdeleniya)
doctor of medical sciences
Moskow, Russian Federation
Udochkina Larisa  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (Head of the Department)
doctor of medical sciences
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Fathutdinova Lily  — Member of Editorial Board
Kazan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy gigieny, mediciny truda)
doctor of medical sciences
Kazan', Russian Federation
Cherkasov Sergey  — Member of Editorial Board
Institut problem upravleniya imeni V. A. Trapeznikova Rossiyskoy akademii nauk (zaveduyuschiy otdelom issledovaniy obschestvennogo zdorov'ya)
doctor of medical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Chernyshov Stanislav  — Member of Editorial Board
National Medical Research Center of Coloproctology named after A.N. Ryzhikh (zaveduyuschiy hirurgicheskim otdeleniem maloinvazivnoy onkokoloproktologii)
doctor of medical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Shapovalova Marina  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (of Economics and Healthcare Management with a course of postgraduate education, Associate Professor of the Department)
doctor of medical sciences
Astrakhan, Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Yur'ev Vadim  — Member of Editorial Board
St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy obschestvennogo zdorov'ya i zdravoohraneniya)
doctor of medical sciences
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Yusupova Nailya  — Member of Editorial Board
Kazan State Medical Academy (zaveduyuschaya kafedroy obschey gigieny)
doctor of medical sciences
Kazan', Russian Federation
Yarmuhamedova Nargiza  — Member of Editorial Board
Samarkand State Medical Institute (prorektor po uchebnoy rabote, zaveduyuschaya kafedroy infekcionnyh bolezney, epidemiologii i dermatovenerologii)
candidate of medical sciences
Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Dikareva Ludmila  — Member of the Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschaya kafedroy akusherstva i ginekologii pediatricheskogo fakul'teta)
doctor of medical sciences
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Dolgalev Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial board
Stavropol State Medical University (professor kafedry obschey stomatologii i detskoy stomatologii)
doctor of medical sciences
Stavropol, Russian Federation
Karakov Karen  — Member of the editorial board
Stavropol State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy terapevticheskoy stomatologii)
doctor of medical sciences
professor ,
academician Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Stavropol, Russian Federation
Umerova Adelya  — Editor-in-Chief
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschaya kafedroy klinicheskoy farmakologii)
doctor of medical sciences
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Sinchihin Sergey  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy akusherstva i ginekologii lechebnogo fakul'teta)
doctor of medical sciences
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Zanko Sergey  — Member of the editorial board
Belorusskoe obschestvennoe ob'edinenie «Reproduktivnoe zdorov'e» (predsedatel' pravleniya)
doctor of medical sciences
Vitebsk, Belarus
Malyshev Alexey  — Member of the editorial board
Maikop State Technological University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy oftal'mologii)
doctor of medical sciences
Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Ramazanova Leah  — Member of the editorial board
Astrahanskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet (professor kafedry otorinolaringologii i oftal'mologii)
doctor of medical sciences
Astrahan', Russian Federation
Karanov Kurban  — Member of the editorial board
Turkmenskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet imeni Myrata Garryeva (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy glaznyh bolezney)
doctor of medical sciences
Namazova Ijran  — Member of the editorial board
Nacional'nyy centr oftal'mologii imeni akademika Zarify Alievoy (zamestitel' direktora po nauke)
doctor of medical sciences
Baku, Azerbaijan
Migacheva Natalia  — Member of the editorial board
Samarskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet (zaveduyuschaya kafedroy pediatrii instituta professional'nogo obrazovaniya)
doctor of medical sciences
Samara, Russian Federation
Morozova Elena  — Member of the editorial board
Kazanskaya gosudarstvennaya medicinskaya akademiya - filial Rossiyskoy medicinskoy akademii nepreryvnogo professional'nogo obrazovaniya (zaveduyuschaya kafedroy detskoy nevrologii imeni professora A.Yu. Ratnera)
doctor of medical sciences
Kazan', Russian Federation
Belopasov Vladimir  — Member of the editorial board
Astrahanskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet (professor kafedry nevrologii i neyrohirurgii s kursom poslediplomnogo obrazovaniya)
doctor of medical sciences
Astrahan', Russian Federation
Turuspekova Saule  — Member of the editorial board
Kazahskiy nacional'nyy medicinskiy universitet imeni S.D. Asfendiyarova (zaveduyuschaya kafedroy nervnyh bolezney, glavnyy nevrolog MZ RK)
doctor of medical sciences
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Shevchenko Yuri  — Member of the editorial board
Rossiyskaya medicinskaya akademiya nepreryvnogo professional'nogo obrazovaniya (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy detskoy psihiatrii i psihoterapii)
doctor of medical sciences
Moskva, Russian Federation
Busik Oleg  — Member of the editorial board
Moskovskiy nauchno-prakticheskiy centr narkologii departamenta zdravoohraneniya goroda Moskvy (glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik)
doctor of medical sciences
Moskva, Russian Federation
Prilensky Boris  — Member of the editorial board
Tyumenskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy psihologii i pedagogiki s kursom psihoterapii)
doctor of medical sciences
Tyumen', Russian Federation
Boev Igor  — Member of the editorial board
Stavropol'skiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy psihiatrii, psihoterapii i medicinskoy psihologii)
doctor of medical sciences
Academic rank Chlen-korrespondent AVN
Stavropol', Russian Federation
Poroyskiy Sergey  — Chairman of the Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (rector)
doctor of medical sciences
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Astrakhan State Medical University
FSBEI HE "Astrakhan State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Author Guidelines




  1. These requirements are developed to meet the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" compiled by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and can be updated in the future.
  2. "Caspian Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy" accepts for publication scientific reviews, original articles, regulatory and procedural documents, peer reviews, and information materials that have not previously been published or accepted for publication in any other printed or electronic media.
  3. The author guarantees having his exclusive right to use the material submitted to the Editorial Board as a result of intellectual activity according to the current legislation regulating the circulation of rights to intellectual property results. In case of infringes upon the guarantee and claims to the editorial board in connection with these, the author agrees to settle all the claims on his own and at his own expense. The editorial board bears no third party liability for the breach of the author’s guarantees.
  4. In order to ensure the publication of material, the authors should remember that plagiarism is inadmissible. Plagiarism consists in illegal use of another individual’s work or ideas under one’s own name, as well as fragment borrowing from other people's works without specifying the source of borrowing, intentional appropriation of authorship. Source reference is required when borrowing from another author's text. In case of confirmation of plagiarism or falsification of results the article is unreservedly rejected. In this connection, when submitting a copyright original text of the article to the editorial board, please, include a certificate of its originality in the accompanying documents (http://www.antiplagiat.ru).
  5. The article should be carefully verified by the authors and the copyright original text of the article should be signed by each of them. The editorial board reserves the right to abridge and edit the materials of articles, regardless of their size, including changes in titles, terms and definitions. Minor stylistic, nomenclature or formal corrections are made without coordination with the author. If the article was altered by the author in the process of preparing for publication, the date of submission of the copyright original text of the article is the day when the editorial board received the final text.
  6. The article should be accompanied by a covering letter from the institution where the work has been performed. The first page of one of the copies of the copyright original text of the article should contain the visa "In print" and the signature of the senior official covered by the round stamp of the institution; and the last page should contain the signatures of all the authors specifying a person responsible for contacts with editors (last name, first name, middle name, full work address and telephone number).
  7. The copyright original text of the article should be submitted in 3 copies and in an electronic form. The text is to be typed in A4 format, with 1 interval (font Times New Roman), the width of fields: left - 2 cm, right - 2 cm, top - 2 cm, bottom - 5 cm.
  8. All pages of the copyright original text of the article are to be numbered (bottom center). The width of the text is aligned full with paragraph indention of 1 cm.
  9. The first page of the copyright original text of the article is to contain the accompanying information:

1) UDC (in the left corner of the page, without indents from the edge);

2) the title of the article (center, in capital letters and bold, font size 11pt; no full stop after the title);

3) full name of the author(s), academic degree, academic rank, position, full name of the principal place of employment (including department, laboratory), full postal business address, e-mail, phone number (font size 11 pt);

4) the scope of publications of the Journal includes the following study areas (under the Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia № 118 of February 24, 2021):

3.1.4. Obstetrics and Gynecology (medical sciences);

3.1.5. Ophthalmology (medical sciences);

3.1.21. Pediatrics (medical sciences); 

3.1.24. Neurology (medical sciences); 

3.1.13. Urology and andrology (medical sciences);

3.1.18. Internal diseases (medical sciences);

3.1.7. Stomatology (medical sciences);

3.1.9. Surgery (medical sciences);

3.2.1. Hygiene (medical sciences);

3.2.2. Epidemiology (medical sciences);

3.2.3. Public health and healthcare organization, sociology and history of medicine (medical sciences);

3.3.6. Pharmacology, clinical pharmacology (pharmaceutical sciences).

  1. The accompanying information is followed by a summary (10–15 lines), key words (8–10) (font size of 10 pt). The summary should be concise and informative, and completely reveal the contents of the article; the use of abbreviations is unacceptable.
  2. The title of the article should not exceed 200 characters, including spaces; it should be informative, the use of abbreviations, participial constructions, question and exclamation marks is unacceptable.
  3. The main text of the article should be typed with 11 pt font size. Original articles should include the following sections: introduction, the purpose of the research, materials and methods, results and their discussion (statistical analysis of the results is required), conclusion, and acknowledgment.
  4. The size of original articles is to be 5-10 pages, the size of review articles – from 5 to 16 pages, other types of articles and letters to the editor – 3-5 pages, including tables, figures, and a list of references (at least 20 sources - for original articles and at least 30 - for reviews).
  5. The copyright original text of the article is to conform to the scientific style of speech, be clear and precise, without long historical introductions, unreasonable repetitions and neologisms. Strict sequence of presentation of the material is necessary, subordinated to the logic of a scientific research, with a clear delineation of the results obtained by the author from the relevant literature data and their interpretation.
  6. In the introduction of the original article you should briefly indicate the state of the problem, the relevance of the study, formulate the purpose of the work. It is necessary to mention only those works that directly relate to the topic.
  7. The organization of the study (design) should be clearly and accurately described in «Materials and methods»:
  • specify the compliance with ethical norms and rules while performing the study (if original articles are submitted, the accompanying documents include an extract from the protocol of the meeting of the Ethics Committee);
  • scope and form of the study, cross-sectional (transverse), longitudinal (prospective or retrospective study), etc .;
  • method of separating the sample into groups, the description of the population from which the sample was taken (if the main and the control group were formed from different populations, name each of them);
  • criteria for inclusion and exclusion of observations (if they were different for the main and control groups, list them separately);
  • mention the presence or absence of randomization (indicating methods) while distributing patients in groups, as well as the presence or absence of masking (“blinding”) with a placebo and medicament use in clinical tests;
  • a detailed description of methods of the research in a reproducible form containing appropriate references to literary sources and the description of methods modifications made by the authors;
  • description of the used equipment and diagnostic appliances with manufacturer specifications, the name of diagnostic kits indicating their manufacturers and normal values for certain indicators;
  • description of the procedure of statistical analysis with obligatory indication of the name of the software, its manufacturer and country (e.g.: Statistica (StatSoft, USA; StatSoft, Russia), the critical significance level p accepted in the study (e.g., “0.001 was considered the critical value of the significance level”). The level of significance should be indicated up to the third decimal place (e.g., 0,038), but not as an inequality (p < 0,05 or p > 0,05). It is necessary to decipher which particular descriptive statistics are provided for quantitative traits (e.g.: “middle and high-quadratic deviation (M + s)”; “median and quartiles of Me [Q1; Q3]”). When using parametric methods of statistical analysis (e.g., t-Student criterion, Pearson correlation analysis) a justification of their applicability is required.
  1. In studies of efficacy and safety of drugs, specify all the preparations and chemicals used, dosages and routes of their administration. Use international nonproprietary names to designate drugs. The trade name of a medicament, the firm-manufacturer and manufacturer country can be given in this section in brackets only after its international nonproprietary name (e.g.: Losartan (“Lozap”, firm-manufacturer “Zentiva”, Czech Republic.) Start the names of medicaments with a capital letter.
  2. In research works devoted to the clinical stage of the study of efficacy and safety of unregistered medicinal products (newly developed medications or known drugs in a new medicinal form) or medicinal products by schemes that are not reflected in official instructions for use, permitting documents issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Public Health are to be provided to the editorial board.
  3. While studying the effectiveness of diagnostic methods, the results should be given in the form of sensitivity, specificity, predictive value of a positive and negative result with the calculation of their confidence intervals.
  4. While studying the effectiveness of a medical intervention (method of treatment or prevention), report the results of the comparison of the main and control groups before the intervention and after it.
  5. In "Results and their discussion" present your own research results in a logical sequence, give accent to only important observations; do not duplicate the information in the text and in the illustrative material. When discussing the results highlight new and actual aspects of the study critically comparing them with other works in this field, and emphasize the possibility of applying the results obtained in further studies.
  6. Conclusion of the work should be linked with the purpose of the study, so as to avoid groundless statements. Section "Conclusion" includes a numbered list of statements confirmed by statistical data analysis.
  7. All word cuts and abbreviations, except for generally accepted, should be explained when first mentioned. To ensure uniformity of the text use the cuts or abbreviations proposed by the author (except for the conclusion) when hereinafter mentioned. There should not be more than 5-7 contractions in text of the article. Generally accepted abbreviations are given in accordance with the SI system, and the names of chemical compounds – according to IUPAC recommendations.
  8. The number of tables, graphs, figures or photographs with captions should be optimal for perception of the material. If borrowing tables, graphs, charts, and other illustrative material indicate the source. References to charts, graphs, diagrams, and etc. in the text are obligatory. The illustrative material is placed after the references to it in the text.
  9. When making tables observe the following rules:
  • tables are made by regular means of Microsoft Word;
  • all tables in the article should be numbered in Arabic numerals by a cross-cutting principle (the word "Table" is placed on the right side of the page above the table name without abbreviations and without the symbol №);
  • each table should have a brief name corresponding to the content (in the middle, in bold, no full-stop after the name). The headings of columns and lines should be formulated laconically and accurately;
  • the information presented in the tables should be succinct, visual, understandable and meet the content of the part of the article that it illustrates;
  • if the table contains materials for obligatory statistical processing, in the footnote to the table specify with respect to which groups the assessment of significance of changes was made;
  • if the table contains materials processed using different statistical approaches, it is necessary to concretize the information in a note. For example, Note: * - the level of significance of changes is p < 0,05 compared with the control group (t-Student criterion with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons);
  • tables of the same type should be constructed in the same way; it is recommended to simplify the construction of tables, to avoid unnecessary columns and diagonal separating lines.
  1. Graphs and diagrams in the article should be made using «Microsoft Graph», numbered in Arabic numerals by a cross-cutting principle (in the center of the page indicating "Fig. 1. Name", 10 pt bold font, no full-stop after the title). Captions to the graphs should indicate the designations for the abscissa and ordinate axes and units (for example: the antibody titer in the reaction of direct hemagglutination, lg), provide explanations for each curve. If diagrams represent a statistically processed data, the error must be reflected graphically.
  2. Photographs are to be submitted in TIFF or JPEG format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Captions to microphotographs should specify the magnification.
  3. You can’t provide copies of illustrations obtained by photocopying.
  4. A single illustration should not be numbered.
  5. All the data in tables, captions inside figures and graphs should be typed with 1 interval, font Times New Roman, font size of 10 pt. Formulas should be typed using the «Microsoft Equation».
  6. A brief acknowledgment section may be given after the conclusion section just before the references. The acknowledgment of people who provided assistance in manuscript preparation or funding for research, etc. should be listed in this section.
  7. The main text should be followed by “References” (font size of 10 pt) in alphabetical order, sources in the Cyrillic characters coming first, then – in the Roman characters.


Use the following style and punctuation for references.

Reference to a journal publication: Linke B. G. O., Casagrande T. A. C., Cardoso L. A. C. Food additives and their health effects: A review on preservative sodium benzoate. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2018; 17 (10): 306–310.

Uphoff E. P., Bird P. K., Antó J. M., Basterrechea M., von Berg A., Bergström A., Bousquet J., Chatzi L., Fantini M. P., Ferrero A., Gehring U., Gori D., Heinrich J. Variations in the prevalence of childhood asthma and wheeze in MeDALL cohorts in Europe. European Respiratory Journal. Open Research. 2017; 3 (3): 00150–2016. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00150-2016.

Note: for all articles in References list, DOI and/or PMID must be indicated if any!

Reference to a book: Gravas S., Bach T., Bachmann A., Drake M., Gacci M., Gratzke C., Madersbacher S., Mamoulakis C., Tikkinen K. A. O., Karavitakis M., Malde S., Sakkalis V., Umbach R. Management of Non-Neurogenic Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS), incl. Benign Prostatic Obstruction (BPO). European Association of Urology; 2016. 62 p.

Reference to a chapter in an edited book: Meltzer P. S., Kallioniemi A., Trent J. M. Chromosome alterations in human solid tumors. The genetic basis of human cancer. Under the editorship of B. Vogelstein, K. W. Kinzler. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002: 93–113.

Media: Henkel J. Testicular Cancer: Survival High With Early Treatment. FDA Consumer magazine [serial online]. January–February 1996. URL: http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/196_test.html.


Conferences and Meetings: Accessibility and quality of health services. Proceedings of the 28th Meeting of the European Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS). Ed.; Ferreira de Oliveira M.J. Jul 28-Aug 2 2002. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Frankfurt (Germany) : Peter Lang; 2004. 287 p.

Theses and Dissertations: indicate the author, the title of the thesis (abstract), (thesis of Doctor (Candidate) of Medical (Biological) Sciences), city, year, pages.


if the source is in the Cyrillic characters

Ponezheva Zh. B. Clinico-immunological aspects of pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis C and ways to optimize therapy. Abstract of thesis of Doctor of Medical Sciences. Moscow; 2011. 38 p. (In Russ.).

if the source is in the Latin characters

Zhao C. Development of nanoelectrospray and application to protein research and drug discovery. Dissertation. Buffalo (NY), State University of New York at Buffalo; 2005. 276 p.


if the source is in the Cyrillic characters

Gorelkin A. G., Pinkhasov B. B. The way of definition of man's biological age and senility speed. Patent RF, no. 2387374. 2010. (In Russ.).

if the source is in the Latin characters

Myers K., Nguyen C. Prosthetic heart valve. United States patent US 6,911,043. Myers K., Nguyen C., inventors; assignee is 3F Therapeutics Inc. 2005 Jun 28.

Pagedas A.C. Flexible endoscopicgrasping and cutting device and positioning tool assembly. United States patent US 20020103498. Pagedas A.C., inventor; assignee and patent holder is Ancel Surgical R&D Inc., 01.08.2002.

In the text, references are put in Arabic numerals in square brackets according to the list, for example, [1] or [2, 4, 22].

  1. The references should mainly include the articles published in the last 10-15 years and comprehensively reflecting the current state of the issue in question. The author bears full responsibility for the accuracy of information and correctness of bibliographic data.

Procedure for acceptance and promotion of an article:

  1. The editorial board receives at least 1 copy of the copyright original text of the article, as well as accompanying documents: an official covering letter from the institution, a certificate of originality of the text (http://www.antiplagiat.ru), expert opinion on materials prepared for open publication, a transfer of copyright agreement and a consent to personal data processing.
  2. The editorial board reads the text, reviews it and informs the author of the decision concerning its publication. Of a positive decision of the editorial board to publish the article only after making certain edits the author is informed by e-mail (if no response is received within 1 month from the date of dispatch of the notification, the article is withdrawn from further consideration).
  3. The article is prepared by the editorial board and published in the journal.
  4. Only one article of the first author can be printed in one issue of the journal.
  5. Articles that receive a negative decision of the Editorial Board and / or the text format of which does not comply with the above rules are not published in the journal and are not returned to the authors.


Submit your manuscripts to the address: 121, Bakinskaya Street, Astrakhan 414000,

Astrakhan State Medical University, «Caspian Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy», the editorial board.


Scanned copies of accompanying documentsthe first page of one of the copies of the manuscript with the visa “In print”, the signature of the senior official covered by the round stamp of the institution, the last page with the signatures of all the authors, as well as the text of the article in RTF format, please, send to

Website: https://kaspmed.ru; e-mail: kaspmed@astgmu.ru.


Patent information retrieval in the patent information resources of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property

is free of charge for the authors of the articles on the basis of

the Support Center for Technology and Innovation of the Astrakhan State Medical University.

Publikacionnaya etika

  1. Vvedenie.

1.1. Publikaciya materialov v recenziruemyh zhurnalah ne tol'ko yavlyaetsya prostym sposobom nauchnyh kommunikaciy, no i vnosit znachitel'nyy vklad v razvitie sootvetstvuyuschey oblasti nauchnogo znaniya. Takim obrazom, vazhno ustanovit' standarty buduschego etichnogo povedeniya vseh vovlechennyh v publikaciyu storon, a imenno: Avtorov, Redaktorov zhurnala, Recenzentov, Izdatel'stva i Nauchnogo obschestva dlya zhurnala «Prikaspiyskiy vestnik mediciny i farmacii».

1.2. Izdatel' ne tol'ko podderzhivaet nauchnye kommunikacii i investiruet v dannyy process, no takzhe neset otvetstvennost' za soblyudenie vseh sovremennyh rekomendaciy v publikuemoy rabote.

1.3. Izdatel' beret na sebya obyazatel'stva po strozhayshemu nadzoru za nauchnymi materialami. Nashi zhurnal'nye programmy predstavlyayut bespristrastnyy «otchet» razvitiya nauchnoy mysli i issledovaniy, poetomu my takzhe osoznaem otvetstvennost' za dolzhnoe predstavlenie etih «otchetov», osobenno s tochki zreniya eticheskih aspektov publikaciy, izlozhennyh v nastoyaschem dokumente.

  1. Obyazannosti Redaktorov.

2.1. Reshenie o publikacii.

Redaktor nauchnogo zhurnala «Prikaspiyskiy vestnik mediciny i farmacii» samolichno i nezavisimo neset otvetstvennost' za prinyatie resheniya o publikacii, chasto v sotrudnichestve s sootvetstvuyuschim Nauchnym obschestvom. Dostovernost' rassmatrivaemoy raboty i ee nauchnaya znachimost' vsegda dolzhny lezhat' v osnove resheniya o publikacii. Redaktor mozhet rukovodstvovat'sya politikoy Redakcionnoy kollegii zhurnala «Prikaspiyskiy vestnik mediciny i farmacii», buduchi ogranichennym aktual'nymi yuridicheskimi trebovaniyami v otnoshenii klevety, avtorskogo prava, zakonnosti i plagiata.

Redaktor mozhet soveschat'sya s drugimi Redaktorami i Recenzentami (ili dolzhnostnymi licami Nauchnogo obschestva) vo vremya prinyatiya resheniya o publikacii.

2.2. Poryadochnost'.

Redaktor dolzhen ocenivat' intellektual'noe soderzhanie rukopisey vne zavisimosti ot rasy, pola, seksual'noy orientacii, religioznyh vzglyadov, proishozhdeniya, grazhdanstva ili politicheskih predpochteniy Avtorov.

2.3. Konfidencial'nost'.

Redaktor i Redakcionnaya kollegiya zhurnala «Prikaspiyskiy vestnik mediciny i farmacii» obyazany bez neobhodimosti ne raskryvat' informaciyu o prinyatoy rukopisi vsem licam, za isklyucheniem Avtorov, Recenzentov, vozmozhnyh Recenzentov, drugih nauchnyh konsul'tantov i Izdatelya.

2.4. Politika raskrytiya i konflikty interesov.

2.4.1. Neopublikovannye dannye, poluchennye iz predstavlennyh k rassmotreniyu rukopisey, nel'zya ispol'zovat' v lichnyh issledovaniyah bez pis'mennogo soglasiya Avtora. Informaciya ili idei, poluchennye v hode recenzirovaniya i svyazannye s vozmozhnymi preimuschestvami, dolzhny sohranyat'sya konfidencial'nymi i ne ispol'zovat'sya s cel'yu polucheniya lichnoy vygody.

2.4.2. Redaktory dolzhny brat' samootvod ot rassmotreniya rukopisey (a imenno: zaprashivat' Soredaktora, Pomoschnika redaktora ili sotrudnichat' s drugimi chlenami Redakcionnoy kollegii pri rassmotrenii raboty vmesto samolichnogo recenzirovaniya i prinyatiya resheniya) v sluchae nalichiya konfliktov interesov vsledstvie konkurentnyh, sovmestnyh i drugih vzaimodeystviy i otnosheniy s Avtorami, kompaniyami i, vozmozhno, drugimi organizaciyami, svyazannymi s rukopis'yu.

2.5. Nadzor za publikaciyami.

Redaktor, predostavivshiy ubeditel'nye dokazatel'stva togo, chto utverzhdeniya ili vyvody, predstavlennye v publikacii, oshibochny, dolzhen soobschit' ob etom Izdatelyu (i/ili v sootvetstvuyuschee Nauchnoe obschestvo) s cel'yu skoreyshego uvedomleniya o vnesenii izmeneniy, iz'yatiya publikacii, vyrazheniya obespokoennosti i drugih sootvetstvuyuschih situacii zayavleniy.

2.6. Vovlechennost' i sotrudnichestvo v ramkah issledovaniy.

Redaktor sovmestno s Izdatelem (ili Nauchnym obschestvom) prinimayut adekvatnye otvetnye mery v sluchae eticheskih pretenziy, kasayuschihsya rassmotrennyh rukopisey ili opublikovannyh materialov. Podobnye mery v obschih chertah vklyuchayut vzaimodeystvie s Avtorami rukopisi i argumentaciyu sootvetstvuyuschey zhaloby ili trebovaniya, no takzhe mogut podrazumevat' vzaimodeystviya s sootvetstvuyuschimi organizaciyami i issledovatel'skimi centrami.

  1. Obyazannosti Recenzentov.

3.1. Vliyanie na resheniya Redakcionnoy kollegii.

Recenzirovanie pomogaet Redaktoru prinyat' reshenie o publikacii i posredstvom sootvetstvuyuschego vzaimodeystviya s Avtorami takzhe mozhet pomoch' Avtoru povysit' kachestvo raboty. Recenzirovanie - eto neobhodimoe zveno v formal'nyh nauchnyh kommunikaciyah, nahodyascheesya v samom «serdce» nauchnogo podhoda. Izdatel' razdelyaet tochku zreniya o tom, chto vse uchenye, kotorye hotyat vnesti vklad v publikaciyu, obyazany vypolnyat' suschestvennuyu rabotu po recenzirovaniyu rukopisi.

3.2. Ispolnitel'nost'.

Lyuboy vybrannyy Recenzent, chuvstvuyuschiy nedostatochno kvalifikacii dlya rassmotreniya rukopisi ili ne imeyuschiy dostatochno vremeni dlya bystrogo vypolneniya raboty, dolzhen uvedomit' Redaktora zhurnala «Prikaspiyskiy vestnik mediciny i farmacii» i poprosit' isklyuchit' ego iz processa recenzirovaniya sootvetstvuyuschey rukopisi.

3.3. Konfidencial'nost'.

Lyubaya rukopis', poluchennaya dlya recenzirovaniya, dolzhna rassmatrivat'sya kak konfidencial'nyy dokument. Dannuyu rabotu nel'zya otkryvat' i obsuzhdat' s lyubymi licami, ne imeyuschimi na to polnomochiy ot Redaktora.

3.4. Trebovaniya k rukopisi i ob'ektivnost'.

Recenzent obyazan davat' ob'ektivnuyu ocenku. Personal'naya kritika Avtora nepriemlema. Recenzentam sleduet yasno i argumentirovano vyrazhat' svoe mnenie.

3.5. Priznanie pervoistochnikov.

Recenzentam sleduet vyyavlyat' znachimye opublikovannye raboty, sootvetstvuyuschie teme i ne vklyuchennye v bibliografiyu k rukopisi. Na lyuboe utverzhdenie (nablyudenie, vyvod ili argument), opublikovannoe ranee, v rukopisi dolzhna byt' sootvetstvuyuschaya bibliograficheskaya ssylka. Recenzent dolzhen takzhe obraschat' vnimanie Redaktora na obnaruzhenie suschestvennogo shodstva ili sovpadeniya mezhdu rassmatrivaemoy rukopis'yu i lyuboy drugoy opublikovannoy rabotoy, nahodyascheysya v sfere nauchnoy kompetencii Recenzenta.

3.6. Politika raskrytiya i konflikty interesov.

3.6.1. Neopublikovannye dannye, poluchennye iz predstavlennyh k rassmotreniyu rukopisey, nel'zya ispol'zovat' v lichnyh issledovaniyah bez pis'mennogo soglasiya Avtora. Informaciya ili idei, poluchennye v hode recenzirovaniya i svyazannye s vozmozhnymi preimuschestvami, dolzhny sohranyat'sya konfidencial'nymi i ne ispol'zovat'sya s cel'yu polucheniya lichnoy vygody.

3.6.2. Recenzenty ne dolzhny uchastvovat' v rassmotrenii rukopisey v sluchae nalichiya konfliktov interesov vsledstvie konkurentnyh, sovmestnyh i drugih vzaimodeystviy i otnosheniy s lyubym iz Avtorov, kompaniyami ili drugimi organizaciyami, svyazannymi s predstavlennoy rabotoy.

  1. Obyazannosti Avtorov.

4.1. Trebovaniya k rukopisyam.

4.1.1. Avtory doklada ob original'nom issledovanii dolzhny predostavlyat' dostovernye rezul'taty prodelannoy raboty, takzhe kak i ob'ektivnoe obsuzhdenie znachimosti issledovaniya. Dannye, lezhaschie v osnove raboty, dolzhny byt' predstavleny bezoshibochno. Rabota dolzhna soderzhat' dostatochno detaley i bibliograficheskih ssylok dlya vozmozhnogo vosproizvedeniya. Lozhnye ili zavedomo oshibochnye utverzhdeniya vosprinimayutsya kak neetichnoe povedenie i nepriemlemy.

4.1.2. Obzory i nauchnye stat'i takzhe dolzhny byt' tochnymi i ob'ektivnymi, tochka zreniya Redakcii dolzhny byt' chetko oboznachena.

4.2. Dostup k dannym i ih hranenie.

Redakciya ostavlyaet za soboy pravo zaprosit' u Avtorov ishodnye (neobrabotannye) dannye issledovaniya, v tom chisle dlya predostavleniya recenzentam i redaktoram. Avtory dolzhny byt' gotovy predostavit' takogo roda informaciyu sotrudnikam redakcii (soglasno ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Databases), esli eto osuschestvimo, a tak zhe sohranyat' eti dannye v techenie adekvatnogo perioda vremeni posle publikacii.

4.3. Original'nost' i plagiat.

4.3.1. Avtory dolzhny udostoverit'sya, chto predstavlena polnost'yu original'naya rabota i v sluchae ispol'zovaniya rabot ili utverzhdeniy drugih Avtorov dolzhny predostavlyat' sootvetstvuyuschie bibliograficheskie ssylki ili vyderzhki.

4.3.2. Plagiat mozhet suschestvovat' vo mnogih formah, ot predstavleniya chuzhoy raboty kak avtorskoy do kopirovaniya ili perefrazirovaniya suschestvennyh chastey chuzhih rabot (bez ukazaniya avtorstva) i do zayavleniya sobstvennyh prav na rezul'taty chuzhih issledovaniy. Plagiat vo vseh formah predstavlyaet soboy neetichnye deystviya i nepriemlem.

4.4. Mnozhestvennost', izbytochnost' i odnovremennost' publikaciy.

4.4.1. V obschem sluchae Avtor ne dolzhen publikovat' rukopis', po bol'shey chasti posvyaschennuyu odnomu i tomu zhe issledovaniyu, bolee chem v odnom zhurnale kak original'nuyu publikaciyu. Predstavlenie odnoy i toy zhe rukopisi odnovremenno bolee chem v odin zhurnal vosprinimaetsya kak neetichnoe povedenie i nepriemlemo.

4.4.2. V obschem sluchae Avtor ne dolzhen predstavlyat' na rassmotrenie v drugoy zhurnal ranee opublikovannuyu stat'yu.

4.4.3. Publikaciya opredelennogo tipa statey (naprimer, klinicheskih rekomendaciy, perevodnyh statey) v bolee chem odnom zhurnale yavlyaetsya v nekotoryh sluchayah etichnoy pri soblyudenii opredelennyh usloviy. Avtory i Redaktory zainteresovannyh zhurnalov dolzhny soglasit'sya na vtorichnuyu publikaciyu, predstavlyayuschuyu obyazatel'no te zhe dannye i interpretacii, chto i v pervichno opublikovannoy rabote.

Bibliografiya pervichnoy raboty dolzhna byt' predstavlena i vo vtoroy publikacii. Bolee podrobnuyu informaciyu o dopustimyh formah vtorichnyh (povtornyh) publikaciy mozhno nayti na stranice www.icmje.org.

4.5. Priznanie pervoistochnikov.

Neobhodimo vsegda priznavat' vklad drugih lic. Avtory dolzhny ssylat'sya na publikacii, kotorye imeyut znachenie dlya vypolneniya predstavlennoy raboty. Dannye, poluchennye privatno, naprimer, v hode besedy, perepiski ili v processe obsuzhdeniya s tret'imi storonami, ne dolzhny byt' ispol'zovany ili predstavleny bez yasnogo pis'mennogo razresheniya pervoistochnika. Informaciya, poluchennaya iz konfidencial'nyh istochnikov, takaya kak ocenivanie rukopisey ili predostavlenie grantov, ne dolzhna ispol'zovat'sya bez chetkogo pis'mennogo razresheniya Avtorov raboty, imeyuschey otnoshenie k konfidencial'nym istochnikam.

4.6. Avtorstvo publikacii.

4.6.1. Avtorami publikacii mogut vystupat' tol'ko lica, kotorye vnesli znachitel'nyy vklad v formirovanie zamysla raboty, razrabotku, ispolnenie ili interpretaciyu predstavlennogo issledovaniya. Vse te, kto vnes znachitel'nyy vklad, dolzhny byt' oboznacheny kak Soavtory. V teh sluchayah, kogda uchastniki issledovaniya vnesli suschestvennyy vklad po opredelennomu napravleniyu v issledovatel'skom proekte, oni dolzhny byt' ukazany kak lica, vnesshie znachitel'nyy vklad v dannoe issledovanie.

4.6.2. Avtor dolzhen udostoverit'sya, chto vse uchastniki, vnesshie suschestvennyy vklad v issledovanie, predstavleny kak Soavtory i ne privedeny v kachestve Soavtorov te, kto ne uchastvoval v issledovanii, chto vse Soavtory videli i odobrili okonchatel'nuyu versiyu raboty i soglasilis' s predstavleniem ee k publikacii.

4.7. Riski, a takzhe lyudi i zhivotnye, vystupayuschie ob'ektami issledovaniy.

4.7.1. Esli rabota predpolagaet ispol'zovanie himicheskih produktov, procedur ili oborudovanie, pri ekspluatacii kotoryh vozmozhen kakoy-libo neobychnyy risk, Avtor dolzhen chetko oboznachit' eto v rukopisi.

4.7.2. Esli v rabote predpolagaetsya uchastie zhivotnyh ili lyudey kak ob'ektov issledovaniya, Avtory dolzhny udostoverit'sya, chto v rukopisi ukazano, chto vse stadii issledovaniya sootvetstvuyut zakonodatel'stvu i normativnym dokumentam issledovatel'skih organizaciy, a takzhe odobreny sootvetstvuyuschimi komitetami. V rukopisi dolzhno byt' chetko otrazheno, chto ot vseh lyudey, stavshih ob'ektami issledovaniy, polucheno informirovannoe soglasie. Neobhodimo vsegda sledit' za soblyudeniem prav na neprikosnovennost' chastnoy zhizni.

4.8. Politika raskrytiya i konflikty interesov.

4.8.1. Vse Avtory obyazany raskryvat' v svoih rukopisyah finansovye ili drugie suschestvuyuschie konflikty interesov, kotorye mogut byt' vosprinyaty kak okazavshie vliyanie na rezul'taty ili vyvody, predstavlennye v rabote.

4.8.2. Primery potencial'nyh konfliktov interesov, obyazatel'no podlezhaschih raskrytiyu, vklyuchayut rabotu po naymu, konsul'tirovanie, nalichie akcionernoy sobstvennosti, poluchenie gonorarov, predostavlenie ekspertnyh zaklyuchenie, patentnaya zayavka ili registraciya patenta, granty i drugoe finansovoe obespechenie. Potencial'nye konflikty interesov dolzhny byt' raskryty kak mozhno ran'she.

4.9. Suschestvennye oshibki v opublikovannyh rabotah.

V sluchae obnaruzheniya Avtorom suschestvennyh oshibok ili netochnostey v publikacii, Avtor dolzhen soobschit' ob etom Redaktoru zhurnala «Prikaspiyskiy vestnik mediciny i farmacii» i vzaimodeystvovat' s Redaktorom s cel'yu skoreyshego iz'yatiya publikacii ili ispravleniya oshibok. Esli Redaktor ili Izdatel'stvo poluchili svedeniya ot tret'ey storony o tom, chto publikaciya soderzhit suschestvennye oshibki, Avtor obyazan iz'yat' rabotu ili ispravit' oshibki v maksimal'no korotkie sroki.

  1. Obyazannosti Izdatel'stva.

5.1. Izdatel' dolzhen sledovat' principam i proceduram, sposobstvuyuschim ispolneniyu eticheskih obyazannostey Redaktorami, Recenzentami i Avtorami zhurnala «Prikaspiyskiy vestnik mediciny i farmacii» v sootvetstvii s dannymi trebovaniyami. Izdatel' dolzhen byt' uveren, chto potencial'naya pribyl' ot razmescheniya reklamy ili proizvodstva reprintov ne povliyala na resheniya Redaktorov.

5.2. Izdatel'stvo dolzhno okazyvat' podderzhku Redaktoram zhurnala «Prikaspiyskiy vestnik mediciny i farmacii» v rassmotrenii pretenziy k eticheskim aspektam publikuemyh materialov i pomogat' vzaimodeystvovat' s drugimi zhurnalami i/ili Izdatel'stvami, esli eto sposobstvuet ispolneniyu obyazannostey Redaktorami.

5.3. Izdatel' dolzhen sposobstvovat' nadlezhaschey praktike provedeniya issledovaniy i vnedryat' otraslevye standarty v celyah sovershenstvovaniya eticheskih rekomendaciy, procedur iz'yatiya i ispravleniya oshibok.

5.4. Izdatel' dolzhen obespechit' sootvetstvuyuschuyu specializirovannuyu yuridicheskuyu podderzhku (zaklyuchenie ili konsul'tirovanie) v sluchae neobhodimosti.

Razdel podgotovlen po materialam izdatel'stva nauchnoy i medicinskoy literatury Elsevier, a tak zhe materialov Mezhdunarodnogo Komiteta po publikacionnoy etike (COPE)

Procedure for acceptance and promotion of an article:

  1. The editorial board receives at least 1 copy of the copyright original text of the article, as well as accompanying documents: an official covering letter from the institution, a certificate of originality of the text (http://www.antiplagiat.ru), expert opinion on materials prepared for open publication, a transfer of copyright agreement and a consent to personal data processing.
  2. The editorial board reads the text, reviews it and informs the author of the decision concerning its publication. Of a positive decision of the editorial board to publish the article only after making certain edits the author is informed by e-mail (if no response is received within 1 month from the date of dispatch of the notification, the article is withdrawn from further consideration).
  3. The article is prepared by the editorial board and published in the journal.
  4. Only one article of the first author can be printed in one issue of the journal.
  5. Articles that receive a negative decision of the Editorial Board and / or the text format of which does not comply with the above rules are not published in the journal and are not returned to the authors.


Submit your manuscripts to the address: 121, Bakinskaya Street, Astrakhan 414000,

Astrakhan State Medical University, «Caspian Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy», the editorial board.


Scanned copies of accompanying documentsthe first page of one of the copies of the manuscript with the visa “In print”, the signature of the senior official covered by the round stamp of the institution, the last page with the signatures of all the authors, as well as the text of the article in RTF format, please, send to

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Peer review



Only original materials, unpublished in other publications, are accepted for consideration by the Caspian Herald of Medicine and Pharmacy. The authors are solely responsible for the scientific content of the article, references, citations and description of sources and literature, as well as for respecting the copyrights of third parties.
All materials submitted to the editorial office of the Caspian Bulletin of Medicine and Pharmacy, after determining their compliance with the profile of the journal and the requirements for registration, are reviewed with the involvement of Russian and foreign scientists.
All reviewers are recognized experts in the subject of the peer-reviewed materials and have publications on the subject of the peer-reviewed article over the past 3 years.
The reviewer is appointed by the decision of the editorial board of the journal.
One of the main requirements of peer review is confidentiality. The review procedure is anonymous for both reviewers and authors. Violation of confidentiality is possible only if the reviewer claims that the materials contained in the article are unreliable or falsified.
The reviewer is notified that the submitted manuscripts are the intellectual property of the authors and are classified as confidential information. The reviewer is not allowed to transfer the information contained in the articles to third parties who are not members of the editorial board.
The subject of analysis in peer-reviewed articles are: compliance with the design of the article to the requirements of the journal; relevance, novelty and scientific and practical significance of the work; the adequacy of the methods and scope of the study; correctness and adequacy of statistical data processing; the reliability of the results and conclusions, as well as the correspondence between the title of the work and the content of the article. In addition, the quality and style of providing scientific information in the article is evaluated.
Reviewing an article can take up to three months.
Based on the results of the review, the article may be rejected, sent to the author for revision or accepted for publication.
The editors of the journal send copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal to the authors of the submitted materials. The responsible secretary brings the decision to the attention of the author.
The editors of the journal do not store manuscripts that are not accepted for publication. Manuscripts accepted for publication will not be returned.
If the review contains recommendations for correcting the article, the article is sent to the author for revision. In this case, the date of receipt by the editorial office is the date of return of the revised article. If necessary, the article can be re-submitted for review to the same reviewer who made the comments.
In case of inability or unwillingness of the author to take into account the wishes of the editorial board or reviewer, the editors reserve the right to reject the articles.
In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer, the author of the article has the right to provide a reasoned answer to the editors of the journal. The article can be sent for re-reviewing, or for approval by the editorial board.
The decision on the advisability of publication after review is made by the editor-in-chief, and, if necessary, by the editorial board as a whole.

All articles submitted to the journal are reviewed by leading experts in the field.

Publikaciya v zhurnale dlya avtorov besplatna.

Redakciya ne vzimaet platu s avtorov za podgotovku, razmeschenie i pechat' materialov.

4 times a year

Etot zhurnal predostavlyaet neposredstvennyy otkrytyy dostup k svoemu kontentu ishodya iz sleduyuschego principa: svobodnyy otkrytyy dostup k rezul'tatam issledovaniy sposobstvuet uvelicheniyu global'nogo obmena znaniyami.
Politika otkrytogo dostupa sootvetstvuet opredeleniyu Budapeshtskoy iniciativy otkrytogo dostupa (BOAI) i oznachaet, chto stat'i dostupny v otkrytom dostupe v seti Internet, chto pozvolyaet vsem pol'zovatelyam chitat', zagruzhat', kopirovat', rasprostranyat', raspechatyvat', iskat' ili ssylat'sya na polnye teksty etih statey, skanirovat' ih dlya indeksacii, peredavat' v kachestve dannyh dlya programmnogo obespecheniya ili ispol'zovat' ih dlya lyubyh drugih zakonnyh celey bez finansovyh, yuridicheskih ili tehnicheskih bar'erov, za isklyucheniem teh, kotorye neotdelimy ot polucheniya dostupa k samomu Internetu.

Dlya polucheniya dopolnitel'noy informacii obratites' k Budapeshtskoy deklaracii.

                        Bagmetova Victoria
Bagmetova Victoria Volgograd State Medical University (Head of the Laboratory of Cell Technologies NCILS)

                        Barannikov Ivan
Barannikov Ivan Astrakhan State Medical University

                        Barskova Natalia
Barskova Natalia Voyskovaya chast' 64080

                        Bezrukova Dina
Bezrukova Dina Astrahanskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet (propedevtiki detskih bolezney, poliklinicheskoy i neotlozhnoy pediatrii, zaveduyuschaya kafedroy)
doctor of medical sciences


                        Belyaeva Alina V
Belyaeva Alina V Volgograd State Medical University; Volgograd Medical Scientific Center

                        Berdaliev Erlan
Berdaliev Erlan Alexandro-Mariinskaya Regional Clinical Hospital (neurosurgeon)

                        Berezhnova Tatyana
Berezhnova Tatyana Regional Perinatal Center of Alexander-Mariinsky Regional Clinical Hospital

                        Berov Vyacheslav
Berov Vyacheslav Saint Luka Lugansk State Medical University

                        Biryukova Elena
Biryukova Elena Astrakhan State Medical University (Assistant of Departmen)

                        Bisengaliev Rubin
Bisengaliev Rubin Astrakhan State Medical University

                        Bliznyak Olga
Bliznyak Olga Astrakhan State Medical University

                        Bogomolov Dmitriy
Bogomolov Dmitriy Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary (endoskopicheskim otdeleniem, zaveduyuschiy)

                        Boykin Aleksandr S
Boykin Aleksandr S Irkutsk State Medical University

                        Boyko Yuriy P
Boyko Yuriy P Federal State Educational Establishment «Russian medical Academy of continuous education» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

                        Boyko Yuriy P
Boyko Yuriy P Russian medical Academy of continuous education

                        Boyko Yuriy P
Boyko Yuriy P Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

                        Bokova Rimma D
Bokova Rimma D Volgograd State Medical University

                        Bondarev Aleksandr
Bondarev Aleksandr RZhD-Medicina (vrach-hirurg)

                        Bondarenko Andrey
Bondarenko Andrey Astrakhan State Medical University (fakul'tetskoy hirurgii)
graduate student of medical sciences

Bashkina Ol'ga  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschaya kafedroy fakul'tetskoy pediatrii)
doctor of medical sciences

Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Samotrueva Marina  — Vice Chairman of the Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (prorektor po nauchnoy i innovacionnoy rabote, zaveduyuschiy kafedroy farmakognozii, farmacevticheskoy tehnologii i biotehnologii)
doctor of medical sciences

Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Akimkin Vasiliy  — Member of Editorial Board
Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor (Director)
doctor of medical sciences

academician Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Asfandiarov Faik  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy urologii)
doctor of medical sciences

Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Beglyarov Rauf  — Member of Editorial Board
Azerbaijan Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy detskih bolezney)
doctor of medical sciences

Baku, Azerbaijan
Borschuk Eugene  — Member of Editorial Board
Orenburg State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy obschestvennogo zdorov'ya i zdravoohraneniya №1)
doctor of medical sciences

Orenburg, Russian Federation
Briko Nikolay  — Member of Editorial Board
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy epidemiologii i dokazatel'noy mediciny)
doctor of medical sciences

professor ,
academician Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Geraybeyli Geray  — Member of Editorial Board
Azerbaijan Medical University (rektor, zaveduyuschiy kafedroy psihiatrii)
doctor of medical sciences

Baku, Azerbaijan
Drozdova Irina  — Member of Editorial Board
Kursk State Medical University (dekan farmacevticheskogo i biotehnologicheskogo fakul'tetov, i.o. zaveduyuschego i professor kafedry farmakognozii i botaniki)
doctor of pharmaceutical sciences

Kursk, Russian Federation
Zelensky Vladimir  — Member of Editorial Board
Stavropol State Medical university (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy stomatologii obschey praktiki i detskoy stomatologii)
doctor of medical sciences

Stavropol, Russian Federation
Ibishev Khalid  — Member of Editorial Board
Rostov State Medical University (professor kafedry urologii i reproduktivnogo zdorov'ya cheloveka FPK i PPS (s kursom detskoy urologii-andrologii))
doctor of medical sciences

Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Kantemirova Bela  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (professor kafedry farmakologii)
doctor of medical sciences

Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Kenesariev Usen  — Member of Editorial Board
Kazakh National Medical University named after. S.D. Asfendiyarova (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy obschey gigieny i ekologii)
doctor of medical sciences

professor ,
academician Russian Academy of Sciences
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Kolomin Vladimir  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrahanskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet (docent kafedry gigieny mediko-profilakticheskogo fakul'teta s kursom poslediplomnogo obrazovaniya)
candidate of medical sciences

Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Konovalov Dmitriy  — Member of Editorial Board
Volgograd State Medical University (zamestitel' direktora po nauchnoy rabote, zaveduyuschiy kafedroy farmakognozii, botaniki i tehnologii fitopreparatov)
doctor of pharmaceutical sciences

Pyatigorsk, Russian Federation
Korolev Alexei  — Member of Editorial Board
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (professor kafedry ekologii cheloveka i gigieny okruzhayuschey sredy)
doctor of medical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Korshever Natan  — Member of Editorial Board
Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet imeni V.I. Razumovskogo (professor kafedry obschestvennogo zdorov'ya i zdravoohraneniya (s kursami pravovedeniya i istorii mediciny))
doctor of medical sciences

Saratov, Russian Federation
Kostenko Nikolay  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy hirurgicheskih bolezney poslediplomnogo obrazovaniya s kursom koloproktologii)
doctor of medical sciences

Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Kudryasheva Irina  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy gigieny mediko-profilakticheskogo fakul'teta s kursom poslediplomnogo obrazovaniya)
doctor of medical sciences

Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Latyshevskaya Natal'ya  — Member of Editorial Board
The Volgograd State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy obschey gigieny i ekologii)
doctor of medical sciences

Volgograd, Russian Federation
Lindenbraten Aleksandr  — Member of Editorial Board
Institution N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health (pervyy zamestitel' direktora po nauchnoy rabote, zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki RF)
doctor of medical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Mazhitova Marina  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy fundamental'noy himii)
doctor of sciences in biology

Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Miroshnikov Valentine  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (professor kafedry urologii)
doctor of medical sciences

Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Nemyatyh Oksana  — Member of Editorial Board
St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (zamestitel' zaveduyuschego kafedry upravleniya i ekonomiki farmacii)
doctor of pharmaceutical sciences

Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Odishelashvili Givi  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy hirurgicheskih bolezney stomatologicheskogo fakul'teta)
doctor of medical sciences

Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Orel Vasiliy  — Member of Editorial Board
FSBEI HE SPbGPMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy social'noy pediatrii i organizacii zdravoohraneniya FP i DPO)
doctor of medical sciences

Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Polunina Yekaterina  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (docent kafedry vnutrennih bolezney pediatricheskogo fakul'teta)
doctor of medical sciences

Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Popov Eugene  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy poliklinicheskogo dela i skoroy medicinskoy pomoschi s kursom semeynoy mediciny)
doctor of medical sciences

Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Rizaev Jasur  — Member of Editorial Board
Samarkand State Medical Institute (rektor)
doctor of medical sciences

Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Rubal'skiy Oleg Vasil'evich  — Member of the editorial board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy mikrobiologii i virusologii)
doctor of medical sciences

professor ,
academician Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Serdyukov Anatoly  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy obschestvennogo zdorov'ya i zdravoohraneniya s kursom poslediplomnogo obrazovaniya)
doctor of medical sciences

Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Stepanova Eleanor  — Member of Editorial Board
Pyatigorskiy mediko-farmacevticheskiy institut – filial Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo medicinskogo universiteta (professor kafedry farmacevticheskoy tehnologii s kursom medicinskoy biotehnologii)
doctor of pharmaceutical sciences

Pyatigorsk, Russian Federation
Tutel'yan Alexei  — Member of Editorial Board
Central'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut epidemiologii Rospotrebnadzora (zaveduyuschiy laboratoriey infekciy, svyazannyh s okazaniem medicinskoy pomoschi)
doctor of medical sciences

professor ,
corresponding member Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Ugleva Svetlana  — Member of Editorial Board
Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor (konsul'tant organizacionno-metodicheskogo otdela administrativno-upravlencheskogo podrazdeleniya)
doctor of medical sciences

Moskow, Russian Federation
Udochkina Larisa  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (Head of the Department)
doctor of medical sciences

Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Fathutdinova Lily  — Member of Editorial Board
Kazan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy gigieny, mediciny truda)
doctor of medical sciences

Kazan', Russian Federation
Cherkasov Sergey  — Member of Editorial Board
Institut problem upravleniya imeni V. A. Trapeznikova Rossiyskoy akademii nauk (zaveduyuschiy otdelom issledovaniy obschestvennogo zdorov'ya)
doctor of medical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Chernyshov Stanislav  — Member of Editorial Board
National Medical Research Center of Coloproctology named after A.N. Ryzhikh (zaveduyuschiy hirurgicheskim otdeleniem maloinvazivnoy onkokoloproktologii)
doctor of medical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Shapovalova Marina  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (of Economics and Healthcare Management with a course of postgraduate education, Associate Professor of the Department)
doctor of medical sciences

Astrakhan, Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Yur'ev Vadim  — Member of Editorial Board
St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy obschestvennogo zdorov'ya i zdravoohraneniya)
doctor of medical sciences

Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Yusupova Nailya  — Member of Editorial Board
Kazan State Medical Academy (zaveduyuschaya kafedroy obschey gigieny)
doctor of medical sciences

Kazan', Russian Federation
Yarmuhamedova Nargiza  — Member of Editorial Board
Samarkand State Medical Institute (prorektor po uchebnoy rabote, zaveduyuschaya kafedroy infekcionnyh bolezney, epidemiologii i dermatovenerologii)
candidate of medical sciences

Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Dikareva Ludmila  — Member of the Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschaya kafedroy akusherstva i ginekologii pediatricheskogo fakul'teta)
doctor of medical sciences

Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Dolgalev Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial board
Stavropol State Medical University (professor kafedry obschey stomatologii i detskoy stomatologii)
doctor of medical sciences

Stavropol, Russian Federation
Karakov Karen  — Member of the editorial board
Stavropol State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy terapevticheskoy stomatologii)
doctor of medical sciences

professor ,
academician Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Stavropol, Russian Federation
Umerova Adelya  — Editor-in-Chief
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschaya kafedroy klinicheskoy farmakologii)
doctor of medical sciences

Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Sinchihin Sergey  — Member of Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy akusherstva i ginekologii lechebnogo fakul'teta)
doctor of medical sciences

Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Zanko Sergey  — Member of the editorial board
Belorusskoe obschestvennoe ob'edinenie «Reproduktivnoe zdorov'e» (predsedatel' pravleniya)
doctor of medical sciences

Vitebsk, Belarus
Malyshev Alexey  — Member of the editorial board
Maikop State Technological University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy oftal'mologii)
doctor of medical sciences

Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Ramazanova Leah  — Member of the editorial board
Astrahanskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet (professor kafedry otorinolaringologii i oftal'mologii)
doctor of medical sciences

Astrahan', Russian Federation
Karanov Kurban  — Member of the editorial board
Turkmenskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet imeni Myrata Garryeva (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy glaznyh bolezney)
doctor of medical sciences

Namazova Ijran  — Member of the editorial board
Nacional'nyy centr oftal'mologii imeni akademika Zarify Alievoy (zamestitel' direktora po nauke)
doctor of medical sciences

Baku, Azerbaijan
Migacheva Natalia  — Member of the editorial board
Samarskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet (zaveduyuschaya kafedroy pediatrii instituta professional'nogo obrazovaniya)
doctor of medical sciences

Samara, Russian Federation
Morozova Elena  — Member of the editorial board
Kazanskaya gosudarstvennaya medicinskaya akademiya - filial Rossiyskoy medicinskoy akademii nepreryvnogo professional'nogo obrazovaniya (zaveduyuschaya kafedroy detskoy nevrologii imeni professora A.Yu. Ratnera)
doctor of medical sciences

Kazan', Russian Federation
Belopasov Vladimir  — Member of the editorial board
Astrahanskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet (professor kafedry nevrologii i neyrohirurgii s kursom poslediplomnogo obrazovaniya)
doctor of medical sciences

Astrahan', Russian Federation
Turuspekova Saule  — Member of the editorial board
Kazahskiy nacional'nyy medicinskiy universitet imeni S.D. Asfendiyarova (zaveduyuschaya kafedroy nervnyh bolezney, glavnyy nevrolog MZ RK)
doctor of medical sciences

Almaty, Kazakhstan
Shevchenko Yuri  — Member of the editorial board
Rossiyskaya medicinskaya akademiya nepreryvnogo professional'nogo obrazovaniya (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy detskoy psihiatrii i psihoterapii)
doctor of medical sciences

Moskva, Russian Federation
Busik Oleg  — Member of the editorial board
Moskovskiy nauchno-prakticheskiy centr narkologii departamenta zdravoohraneniya goroda Moskvy (glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik)
doctor of medical sciences

Moskva, Russian Federation
Prilensky Boris  — Member of the editorial board
Tyumenskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy psihologii i pedagogiki s kursom psihoterapii)
doctor of medical sciences

Tyumen', Russian Federation
Boev Igor  — Member of the editorial board
Stavropol'skiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy psihiatrii, psihoterapii i medicinskoy psihologii)
doctor of medical sciences
Academic rank Chlen-korrespondent AVN
Stavropol', Russian Federation
Poroyskiy Sergey  — Chairman of the Editorial Board
Astrakhan State Medical University (rector)
doctor of medical sciences

Astrakhan, Russian Federation


Code 3.1.4
Name Акушерство и гинекология
Code 3.1.7
Name Стоматология
Code 3.1.9
Name Хирургия
Code 3.1.13
Name Урология и андрология
Code 3.1.21
Name Педиатрия
Code 3.2.1
Name Гигиена
Code 3.2.2
Name Эпидемиология
Code 3.2.3
Name Общественное здоровье, организация и социология здравоохранения
Code 3.3.6
Name Фармакология, клиническая фармакология
Code 3.4.1
Name Промышленная фармация и технология получения лекарств


"Caspian Bulletin of Medicine and Pharmacy" is a peer-reviewed scientific and practical journal, which publishes the results of scientific research in clinical and fundamental medicine in the Russian Federation and abroad.

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